The Gut Health Thread

I picked up a whopper jar of some polish or lithuanian gear recently. Thought I’d hit the jackpot. Turned out it was pasteurised…

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I’m a big fan of kimchi these days.

Struggling to find one that isn’t a robbery and isn’t too sweet.

Aldi had one in their middle isle for a while.

There’s a savage cabbage crowd that make it locally, and it’s nice but tis steep enough at a €5 for a small jar.

I’m going to make it myself one of these days

Its tough to make well. I’ve tried a few times. Hard to get proper ingredients. Theres a crowd in cork do a very good one but its about 9euro a jar and they sell it in the english market.
Asian shops are your way to go. Usually have a good one. Ive bought piuches and tubs and jars and even tins of it and they are all usually decent. Delicious on poached eggs. Kids hate the stank though

I ate it on it’s own by the forkload


Ay got stung by another Polish one too recently. This stuff will do me fine. I’d make my own but for €1.20 for 500g you can’t go wrong.


There’s lovely Korean kimchi in the Asian supermarket on Henry street, the one closest to town

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Only issue is cant stop eating it. Needs nothing at all. Snack away at it. Unreal stuff

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That gear is absolutely savage. Once opened i keep it in a seaped jar inside a ziplock bag and it still stinks the place out. You’d eat half in a go.

I uad a go at making kimchi. Id a litre jar of the stuff that looked so disgusting i couldn’t face throwing it out and cleaning the jar. It took me two years of building up the motivation to open it…but it tasted sublime. (I suppose may add kimchi making to my extraordinary list of accomplishments)