The HSE's Latest Blunder

Sickened to hear the latest blunder by the HSE in releation to the Ann Moriarty case… an absolute disgrace.

In June 2007, an X-ray was misread at Ennis and according to the HSE ‘a radiologist failed to identify something highly suggestive of a metastatic lesion’.

AdvertisementIn August, Ms Moriarty attended the hospital’s accident and emergency department.

Another X-ray was performed and she was discharged from A&E with a prescription for an upset stomach.

Blood test results showing elevated tumour markers were filed in her notes.

Nursing staff were concerned at the decision to discharge her, an internal HSE report states.

In mid-August, her husband, Karl Henry, took her to Galway Clinic for a second opinion where cancer was found to have spread to a number of organs.

Ms Moriarty was originally diagnosed in 2005 with breast cancer.

After medical and surgical treatment for several years, she was declared free of the disease.

In April 2007, she attended St James’s Hospital in Dublin for a check-up.

A mammogram taken at the time is now missing.

St James’s Hospital in Dublin said today that it has apologised to Mr Henry.

Im even more sick to hear a idiot on prime time trying to justify the hospitals actions,people dont know what to think when they have been given the all clear as doctors are getting it wrong all the time, Making a mistake is one thing but when it costs someone their life its a different story.

It’s ok it’s an ‘isolated incident’…

We have another ‘isolated incident’ now. the health service in this country is a fuckin joke.

and a report this morning of possibly a third one.

No need for panic it’s just three ‘isolated incidents’ in quick succession…

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The main thing is, a committee will be set up to investigate the next such “isolated occurrence” which will then deliver a report to the 8 different levels of management within the HSE who will then recommend to Brendan Drumm what they think should be done before reverting to the Minister for Health with a draft proposal…oh shit, there’s been another 16 occcurences in the meantime…better re-do that report…

There will probably be a committee set-up to determine whether or not a committee should be set up.

Bureaucratic nonsense.

What pisses me off is Drumm will use all this to argue for more “efficiencies” and more changes in how they operate. So we’ll move to even more centralised shite in the HSE and the resultant removal of responsibility and nothing will happen to the bloated costs.

Its fuckin mental. I cant even begin to imagine how every woman who was tested in Ennis feels right now known that their test has a good chance of being wrong. I dont see any logic in not carrying out a independent enquiry…2 women have died cause of a misdiognosis and there calling it isolated incidents. Fecking joke.

Its the men’s turn to get sick

Perhaps if it was prostrate screens that went misdiagnosed

Or maybe if it was men that Neary was sterilising

And Viagra does generate considerable GNP;

unlike Folic Acid or Feminax; and the drain that is Maternity Leave doesn’t help the cause of Women & Childrens healthcare either.

Our men are just to feckin’ healthy.

Did I hear correctly on Vincent Brown last night? The Department of Health has outsourced all the work to the HSE but still has 900 people on the payroll?

you proberly did george, the HSE are loopers…nothing they do suprises me anymore.

The latest is that those who are not holders of medical cards will have to pay for a re-check, the least the HSE etc can do is not charge them…robbing bastards.

RTE News:

A spokesperson for Minister for Health Mary Harney has sought to clarify comments made by her this morning that the cost for women attending a GP or hospital for the rapid cancer re-checks will be free.

The spokesman said that while the hospital checks will be free, women who do not have a medical card and attend their GP as a private patient will have to pay for the consultation.

Ms Harney also said she did not believe that the number of women who may seek re-testing under the scheme announced yesterday would put major pressure on existing services.

In a statement this afternoon, Ms Harney said that she is advising any woman who has concerns to contact their GP who will refer them to a designated cancer centre for further assessment if necessary.

She said that the National Cancer Control Programme has contacted GP’s in order to assist with access to timely re-assessment.

The Irish Medical Organisation has said no woman who is eligible for the re-check scheme should face a direct charge.

Dr Ronan Boland, chairman of the organisation’s GP group, said the IMO is seeking an urgent meeting with the HSE to discuss the logistics of the scheme, as it believes many thousands of patients could come forward.

I honestly do not blame the politicians for this mess. They are being used as an excuse year after year, government after government.

Nothing like to a trip to A&E to rebuke any notion that this country has moved into first world territory.


Was it yourself or one of the kids, KP? Had to bring the younglad into A &E in limerick a few week’s ago. Passing through the main A&E on the way to the kids one, there must have been 70 people cramming the corridors on trollies. They were on wedged in there, horrific site. In fairness to them the children’s ward is and A&E are grand. Fucking horrible experience overall with the sprog.

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The youngest, croup and tonsillitis together, high temps, throat closed…

The care was great but the facility is not fit for purpose. Kids section has a cramped waiting area and only 3 cublices for treatment… Nebulizer hose was wedged behind a heap of toys in the 3m x 3m waiting area which ended up with the nurse initially trying to treat her in the waiting room in front of everyone else. That said she got the treatment she needed… Which can be said for the 40 or more poor fuckers hanging around in the corridors.

Its a fcuking mess in there. I don’t know how the staff put up with it.

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Christ, the poor child. That’s terrifying. Mother was a nurse in there up until a few years’ ago , some horror stories.

Varadkar gets a fairly easy ride from RTE on the health fiasco. He 's not a bullshitter and comes across as knowing his stuff but still this health service shit keeps coming up day in day out. You’d imagine privately he’s ducking raging at these HSE directors as he’s the one that’s hauled over the coals every time they fuck up. Time is nigh that these HSE managers start losing their jobs for disgraceful service that’s currently delivered by them. They are worse than the Irish Rail lads for their productivity levels

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Some horrific stories out today about the A&E crisis. An 87 year old woman sexually assaulted because she was put up on an all male ward because there was no space. Then there is the story about an elderly patient with Parkinson,s left on a trolley for 29 hours at Tallaght Hospital.

Its fucking horrendous stuff. I don’t even think Leo knocking heads and firing people will solve it.

My wife works in the admin side of the HSE, she’s well down
the food chain.

Its a fantasy world in there.

What other entity would allow middle managers to float into
work at 9.30 and leave at 5pm with a heap of tea breaks in between. No such
thing as bringing a laptop home or having your performance measured.

Anyone here work/worked in Revenue? It appears to me that
this dept works at a completely different pace to the admin side of the Health