I see another case today where the HSE eventually settled and offer an apology after letting the case go all the way to court. I was sure the HSE issued a statement a few years back saying they would put an end to that practice and admit liability much earlier in the process if they knew they were at fault.
I didn’t know really where to post this. I was contemplating the compulsive liar thread because I heard this story at a dinner I attended last week and don’t really know if it was true or complete bullshit.
I may have just been taken in because the storyteller has serious wedge, sounds knowledgeable and authoritative and would move in upper oirish circles.
He said it’s common that Surgeons/Consultants would often pencil in Christmas/NewYear for women with children to have surgery in the hope they will refuse the appointment as they want to spend Christmas at home and ask for a rescheduled time in the new year, thus freeing up the Dr’s holidays.
He said often this would be cancer patients who have gone through so much they think; All the shit through the year, I am having Christmas with my kids no matter what…not realising by doing that it ensures it’s their last Christmas…
As I said, I don’t know whether I believe it or not, I would hope that’s not the case…
A portal to log vaccination data is not complex. PPSN can be your key and work from there.
No lie… If you give the likes of myself or @TreatyStones access to 2 Indians (1 to make tae and 1 to program) we’d knock something together in a few weeks. Stick it on a scalable infrastructure and off you go…
The system is in place and functional. The issue is probably all the wankers that would object to their PPSN being used as identifier. From what I know terms of the tender included full system delivery by end of Dec 2020. Salesforce/IBM solution.