The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Did the guardā€™s not think of aquring some kind of plastersine hands, or something along those lines, possibly even pig skin on a fake set of hands to imitate Human skin, then use them in an experiment with the briars at the crime sceneā€¦
I donā€™t know if anyone has tried this experiment to see if it imitates Baileyā€™s wounds to his handsā€¦if you try to imagine the scene and the hands as closed fists and them having hold of the victim in the briars in a struggleā€¦the experimental hands would probably have to be closed fists and moved through a set of briars in a certain motion, itā€™s a worthwhile experiment in my opinion and would be a form of evidence surelyā€¦
The briars at that scene were so thick that they would probably leave permanent scaring on a persons hands.

Turn yourself in.


He had skatches on his hands according to Dermot Dwyer


Along with hearsay and conjecture Mr Hutz.


Didnā€™t one of the guards climb a tree to see if Bailey had cut the top off it. When he came back down he had no marks or scratches on his arms or hands like Bailey claimed to have received while climbing the tree himself. What more damning evidence is needed.


I believe the situation with the black jacket was very clever from Baileyā€¦he wore it on the night of the murder no doubt, and he wore it the next morning at the scene as a journalist in front of the guardsā€¦ because he gave it a quick clean down, to remove all visible blood, but obviously not enough to remove the otherwise forensic remains that the human eye cannot detectā€¦
This was all part of his plan and then to eventually soak it in bleach and remain wearing itā€¦but he was sure to dispose in a fire of all the other clothing he was wearing that night, and the reason he kept the jacket is because he was seen wearing it on the bridge that nightā€¦
He was trying to be clever with this and itā€™s seemed to have worked like a charm to say the least.

He got the scratches from the briars at the scene, Using the sketch of his hands in coordination with the experimental fake hands would prove the semi circular shaped wounds in the sketch would surface on the fake hands, it may sound strange but it would show those type of wounds Iā€™m sure of it, what that means?.. probably nothing

For what

I donā€™t know who Mr hutz is but hearsay and conjecture it may be, but itā€™s still a worth while experiment, there isnā€™t much to go on anymore as Iā€™m sure you know.

Have you seen the sketch :joy:


He turned up to the scene of a crime he committed wearing a coat smelling of bleach?

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Logical by name, logical by nature


Whoever committed that murder would have been well splattered by blood. Would he have had time to remove it all by the following morning? It would have been a risky move.

A black coat, bleached would surely come out a streaky grey. So perhaps soaked and then washed but not bleached.

How would you dry a big thick winter coat soaked in water in the early hours of a damp cold december morning in mid 90s Ireland?

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A tumble Dryer.

If he was wearing a big heavy coat then how did his arms get scratched?

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He was hardly out cutting down a few Christmas trees in his topcoat. Mention of said topcoat Iā€™ll bet the crafty fucker had 2 of them. Youā€™d get one in a charity shop for a Ā£5 back then. Weā€™re dealing with a cunning, devious opponent here.


Iā€™m going to say they didnā€™t have a tumble dryer as the cottage they were living in wasnā€™t that modern by all accounts. Even if you put it into a tumble dryer today it wouldnā€™t fully dry a big winter coat. And 25 years ago tumble dryers would be lah di dah and West Cork back then was very far from lah di dah, especially the blow-in set.

Has this thread mentioned the two suicides in the locality in the weeks / months after the killing? - where one of them had supposedly confided in friends that they had done something awful and then committed suicideā€¦ One was German I think ā€¦

Youā€™re thinking of Hitler you daft cuntā€¦.