The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Would it be fair to describe Bailey as a fellow with delusions of grandeur and regarded locally as an oddball?
Possibly prone to moments of irrational aggression?
Ive come across those lads many’s a time and to a “Man” when its shoved up to them,they are pussys.Prone to being vicious to women,not men.
Always remember its the quiet lad in the room you watch-Not the mouthy lad.

He used to be regularly telling people how intelligent he was alright which is normally a red flag in my opinion.



Not just in your opinion,its a general no-no,ive found.
Very thin line between madness and genius.
Sometimes they stray either way,but the key is not to take anything personal and remain calm.

Bailey was a highly promising journalist in Cheltenham. I think he married into money. I’d say he was mixing it with some big dicks around the place. It all went belly up fairly quickly.

You seem to be well clued into this whole affair.
Do you think he did it?

I think Trump has fairly put that lie to bed.

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No I don’t. I don’t see one shred of evidence against him at all.

I do think he was a person of interest of course but the reason I’d be confident he didn’t do it is because the guards and the media tried to frame him for nearly 30 years and they still couldn’t build a case against him.

Usually when the guards and media try and frame you whether you did it or not you’ll end up behind bars.

Theres an exception to every rule.Good point tho.

Boris Johnson
Charlie Haughey
Mattie McGrath
Michael Healy Rae
Ian Paisley
Adolf Hitler

I think Bailey was a classic example of narcissism in its purest form.
Was he a killer-Not sure but it would’nt surprise me if he was.Depends on what level he was operating on.

Put it this way-I wouldnt have been having any association with him.

Apart from Adolf,the rest are a matter of opinion.

State of the nation address incoming in 3…2…1

Cant wait to see what comes out of the Bailey files. Im fairly sure he has the murderer down to Kyle Hayes

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Bailey reminds me of Trump in a way. Trump makes a lot people forget that he’s a vicious fascist bastard who is a clear and present threat to the world through being a “hilarious” content machine. Flooding the zone with absurdity and chaos. Morons think it’s “entertainment”.

Bailey has done something a bit similar. He’s a one man content machine. The whole case is a content machine of “hilarity”. Sunday World journalists putting their hands into the underpants of a double agent ex-British Army pothead. Ian Bailey turning up the jukebox in Marie Farrell’s shop so he can’t be heard on tape. Marie Farrell walking out of court when asked a question and getting the train home. The whole thing has become the epitome of “true crime entertainment”. And a murderer got away with it.

Bailey is attractive to a lot of people as a sort of anti-hero, but then again Lee Harvey Oswald was attractive to some people as an anti-hero and a lot of people wanted to believe he didn’t murder Kennedy when he fucking obviously did. To these people Bailey is “fighting the system”. He’s an “outsider”. He has a memorable personality. Well dressed, in an unconventional way. Well spoken. A drunk. A poet. An Oliver Reed type. His back story is interesting. There is something of the renaissance man about him. I even find him attractive as a personality in some ways. My Mam says he didn’t do it. She feels sorry for him. But she’s sucked in by his personality, as so many are. She basically thinks of him as George in Glenroe.

He did it. There are more holes in his stories than there were in Blackburn, Lancashire in “A Day In The Life” by The Beatles.


Good profiling.
He was a bould cunt and thats obvious.
Was he a killer,though? Or an absolute hard necked sociopath?

He was a hard necked sociopath who changed his stories as often as I change my clothes, ie. roughly every two weeks.

I have explored a lot of dark thoughts in my own life and I understand personality defects because I have a load of them myself. I understand the thrill of lying because I used to lie about things to people when I was a child for the thrill of it. I see similarities to Bailey in some of my own personality defects. I understand narcissism because I have narcissistic tendencies myself - but also tendencies to the exact opposite - ie. complete withdrawal. Few will admit it but I think most people have similar tendencies to some extent.

I don’t think you lie about something as serious as committing a murder when you already know you’re the prime suspect. If you do, you’re on a spectrum of narcissism and whatever else that is literally off the scale of measurement. Bailey isn’t off the scale. He’s just a killer.


If you think about it,the fact that he lived in that community for 20+years with all the rumours and so forth,and he didnt feel the need to disappear is probably as chilling as it was strange when you analyse it with any semblance of normality and a cold eye.
Whats normal though at the end of the day?

Jules put him up. They sort of got on. She was familiar. She was his mammy as well as his mot. It’s difficult to leave that. By the time Jules no longer wanted to put him up he knew nothing else except West Cork. People knew him. He was notorious but he was somebody. That was easier than going back to England or anywhere else, where nobody knew him. It would have been like releasing a tiger in captivity back into the wild.

One of the detectives asked Bailey did he play poker. I think not only did he play poker but he was the best poker of player of the lot of them.