The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The Rest is History guys did a fantastic series on this. Well worth going after.


Had a relatively open mind on you. But I now see you are more than a bit warped. And I am highly amused by how people like you file my every opinion. I suppose you do not encounter many highly intelligent people.

MMcCā€™s parents hid her death because they would have been struck off if an autotopsy had been done. Utilitarian calculus by two narcissists. Cannot fault their logic, I suppose.

Now, fuck off.

And here is one for you to digest in your stupidity: Limerick hurling will ā€˜eclipseā€™ Kilkenny hurling when Limerick have 37 Senior titles and Kilkenny have 36 Senior titles. Which you will never see.

You want to be your own father. The essence of stupidity.

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Oj Simpson maybe is another one.

Iā€™d be 95 percent sure he did it and 5 percent got somebody else to do it while he was there.

Jfk -I donā€™t know the conspiracy there.

Trevor deely - I think suicide but that case
Is a tricky one.

Maddie McCann - snatched id say by some evil cunt.

@BruidheanChaorthainn remember that time Danny Mullins and Paul Byrnes mate went down to West Cork in the summer of 2021 and had the big scoop with Bailey?

They had it all over Instagram.

That was absolutely bizarre stuff.

I was only asking for a reminder of your opinion on the case. Thereā€™s no reason to lose the plot.

I saw earlier the Portugueses police apologised to the parents for the way they handled the case.

I donā€™t really want to be too like my dad so Iā€™m not so sure what your point is here.

Ya it was strange enough. It became very popular thing on social media with all the Netflix documentaries.

Bailey scared the shite out of me. I wouldnā€™t go within in ten foot of him.

Let us be straight. You scoffed ā€“ ā€˜sneeredā€™ would be a wrong and inaccurate word ā€“ at my take on the tragedy that is MMcC.

Iā€™d say OJ Simpson and Bailey have quite similar character traits, with Simpson being worse. If I remember rightly Simpson hid behind a door when Ruby Wax was pottering around his house filming a BBC special and then ā€œsprungā€ on her with a balaclava and a real knife as a ā€œjokeā€.

I can barely remember last week. Honestly I do enjoy your opinion on things even do I often disagree with a lot of them. You come at things from a
Different angle.

Please take the Madeline McCann conversation to its appropriate place on the Tony Kelly thread!


You are way out of your depth.

Fuck off now for your own good.

It wouldnā€™t be TFK if everybody didnā€™t scoff at everybody elseā€™s opinion on everything.

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I didnā€™t scoff at your opinion.

Did anybody find how they concluded the time of death for the murder? It seems generally accepted around 1 am to 3 am.

Anybody anything concrete on why there so sure?

The different angle is that I am extremely intelligent ā€“ meaning, I have the brain sugar to process complex information at my ease.

Means nothing more than the fact that I am lefthanded. Genetic luck. I deserve no credit.

But also means you are at absolutely nothing tangling with me.

As many here, including Mousey, have found out.

I get bored for an hour or so.

Guess who you reminded me off here :joy:

Jack Ruby was some man for corn beef sandwiches


If anybody is interested, which obviously you wonā€™t be, I think yer man who was locked up for the Lockerbie bombing most likely was completely framed and that Libya had sod all to do with it and that an alliance of Iran/Syria/Palestinians did it.

I think itā€™s likely Robert Maxwell didnā€™t just get a heart attack and fall into the sea and I think Jeffrey Epstein was probably murdered as was another guy involved in the general Epstein ring whose name I have forgotten for now.

I will not be discussing these further as I have no intention of doing any further research on the issues beyond what I already know, or should I say believe.

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Iā€™m awful with these gifs and pictures the youngsters
Post. Have no idea what your on about now.