The Ian Bailey is dead thread

It’s ‘The Free Library’.
A sister publication of TFK.

Can we all admit that we havn’t got a bull’s notion who killed the french chick? Bunch of wannabe self assured Columbos on here.

Here you go…

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As I predicted it’s only linked to the non sighting of Bailey at bridge.

If it was indeed 6 am to 9 am it sort of exonerates Bailey or at least makes the Bailey theory even more unlikely.

Ain’t nobody want to discuss the blue car speeding past cars not far from the house at 7:30.

It’s a pity @BruidheanChaorthainn was only in the pram at the time of the murder mystery. If he’d been a fully fledged adult back then you’d have to imagine that he’d have acquitted Ian Bailey and located the guilty party.


I got two pms earlier from people who thought he was guilty but now after reading my posts believe he was innocent.


Was there ever a poll put up here about his guilt or innocence?

@Father_Stone and @Bishop_Jordan love their PMs.

Was Ian Bailey guilty of the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Ya I did it was 50/50 im nearly certain. Funny it didn’t go right wing or left either. Even the northern and cork boys who tend to stick together were split on the matter.

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You’re the only person to convince me otherwise anyway.

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There’s the famous gate


Apparently bridgy thinks it’s Melita toscan du plantiers brother. She’s the new wife of the husband of STDP, and obviously rang the brother wan day and said “I want to ride this french lad, can you get the ferry over to Ireland without anyone knowing, drive to an obscure village out in the wilds of West Cork, and kill her with a concrete block, and get back in time for dinner, there’s a love?”
“No bother Hun”

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What a meltdown. I never suggested any of that.

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I felt listening to the podcast originally Sam and his Mrs thought Bailey was guilty but judging by recent posts they’ve changed their tune.

Some good news for Ian at last:


That will make the decomposing process easier on him.


That is a very fair article.