The Ian Bailey is dead thread

it is, but i think a few punches were pulled at the end

Dunno. The point is well made that the investigation is/was a crock from start to finish. The point should also be made that this doesnā€™t mean that IB didnā€™t do it. He was the likely suspect, so they tried to fit the facts around him. It was appalling, and should have meant disciplinary action. That DPP statement similarly was just about leaving cert level. Hard to believe it was a state document. Full of slant and innuendo in itself.
I B still seems a, if not the most likely suspect.
He never denied the scratches, and the tree and turkey story was clearly a crock also. His alibi was a mobile target.
Plenty of folk are claiming that the disgraceful investigation means that he didnā€™t do it. It means nothing of the sort.
Iā€™m agnostic enough on it tbh, but the scratches, and the excuse for them would incline me to believe that he was a realistic suspect.
An absolute tragedy from start to finish this whole saga.


AGS dont get enough flack for the total ineptitude (and im being extremely generous as a lot of it would sail very close to malfeasance). there is one body responsible for the STDP family not getting closure and that rests squarely with AGS. bailey, like everyone suspected of a crime, is entitled to a presumption of innocence. that AGS engaged in a campaign of smearing and letting such things be known among the local community would be fatal to a case. the fact that the media aided and abetted them in this is where i think the article pulled its punch as it could have gone further into the cosy relationship between AGs and the media and called out the press releasers in the media.

they had many opportunities to get the right evidence and through a catalogue of keystone errors never did and thus STDPā€™s killers either lives on unencumbered or his ashes are scattered somewhere in west cork

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They told locals Bailey would kill again and then you got all these pie in sky stories from gossiping locals which were presented as fact by the media.

Itā€™s an absolute travesty what happened.

If the gate doesnā€™t hang the guards move a long.

Very much a split decision here. 51% Yes he did it, 49% No.

good to know over half the board knows their stuff

Iā€™m surprised so many believe that he didnā€™t do it.


Having @BruidheanChaorthainn partaking in a TFK vote would be like having 7 on a jury. He likely threw in a few guilty votes to throw us off the scent.

A kind of Stanford experiment for TFK

Iā€™m even surprised that so many would convict on such flimsy ā€œevidenceā€ and a clearly compromised investigation. Shows how easily people are swayed by the media

Plenty of valid reasons why he was the prime suspect. Despite your protestations no one on here said the investigation was in any way competent. It likely helped him get away with it.


Emmm, most people wonā€™t have voted on what they actually believe mate :man_shrugging:

Thereā€™s people to be wound up here like

You seem to be confusing a niche discussion forum on the INTERNET with an actual courtroom trial.


By his logic there was no murderer because we have no concrete evidence to convict anyone. But itā€™s hard to look past an unhinged and aggressive man who beat his partner on multiple occasions, had scrapes on his hands and neck at Christmas 96ā€™, was reliant on spurious alibis and actually admitted guilt in the local pub.


thereā€™s clearly a murder, there was a body. then again, i suppose you think joanne hayes and frank mcbrearty are still guilty

Who do you think murdered Sophie?

For what itā€™s worth I believe poor Joanne Hayes was 100% innocent and donā€™t even know who Frank McBrearty is.

ive no idea who murdered sophie because the gardai didnt follow evidence. they didnt gather forensic evidence and they had a suspect and went all in. i doubt anyone, apart form the murderer, and sophie, will ever know who the murderer was.

if you believe that joanne hayes is innocent (she is), then im surprised that you cant see the paralels in the cases. see also frank mcbrearty (google is your friend)

Thereā€™s a difference between thinking heā€™s guilty and convicting him. I doubt anyone would or could convict him, well, youā€™d hope not.

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a lot of people thought that joanne hayes and frank mcbrearty were guilty

Which isnā€™t the point I was making.

  1. he never admitted any guilt
  2. what scrapes ?
  3. he hit his partner twice from what I can find out

There was far worst men than Bailey living in west cork at the time.

Itā€™s amazing the people just read lies on the case
And believe it.

Bailey didnā€™t do it but the guards for whatever reason tried to frame him.