The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Beat the shit out of his missus regularly and murdered a woman by crushing her skull with a concrete block

Still not in the top 50 worst men in West Cork at the time,

Some spot


And you just have to read up on the post office scandal in Britain. Where You had people falsely accused of theft and ended up committing suicide. You had people for a finish convinced they were guilty even though they were innocent.

Nobody on here can understand the mental turmoil of being accused of murder and how you should behave in such a situation.

Nonetheless a point that needed to be made. But you know I think you’re one of the most balanced around these parts so I’m surprised you’d come down on that side

I’d love to know why lads some how link tiny scrapes on somebody’s hands to a brutal murder.

What do people make of this post on Reddit with 27 well researched reasons why it couldn’t have been him?

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He blurted it out numerous times mate because he couldn’t keep a secret.

Saw some guy on twitter claim a French diplomat used to regularly visit west cork via boat and was
In contact with Sophie too.

That’s one theory that never crossed my mind.

He didn’t the guards and media made that up.

As an example the 14 year old kid who claimed he admitted it to him at the time never ever
Spoke about it again. His mother said the guards
Never contacted Her about it and they actually visited him in school without her permission.

Nothing suspicious at all here.

I’m agnostic on it. I just can’t see how people assume that he definitely didn’t do it because the gardai were both incompetent and immoral in trying to frame him.
He admitted to the scratches, and said they were from a turkey x 3

What have scratches got to do with a brutal murder?

Believe what you want

Nope it’s a fact.



“I went up there with a rock and bashed her f***ing brains in,” Ian Bailey said to a 14-year-old boy in Schull, Co Cork, almost seven years ago in relation to the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier, it was claimed today.

Mr Bailey has already admitted he gave the boy a lift and told him what was being said about him in relation to the murder, but he totally denied confessing to the crime as described.

However, Malachi Reed, who is now aged 21, testified at Cork Circuit Court today that Ian Bailey said these words to him as Mr Bailey gave him a lift home from Schull one evening in January or February of 1997.

“I got a very cold shiver, nervousness, I didn’t know what to do. I kept my mouth shut for two miles. He said, ‘How are you getting on in school?’ I said the first thing that came into my head,” Mr Reed said.

Mr Reed told his mother, Irene Amanda Reed, the following day and they were both so nervous they put dead-bolts on the doors of their home because they were living in the area of Mr Bailey’s home and were frightened.

Defence barrister said this testimony was rubbish and he asked the witness why he thought that Mr Bailey would say such a thing to him.

“I often ask myself the same question,” Mr Reed replied.

Mrs Reed said: “A person is innocent until proven guilty but why would he say such a thing unless he was implicated in some way?”

Richard and Rosie Shelley met Ian Bailey on New Year’s Eve, 1998, in Hackett’s Bar in Schull and they went back to his home in The Prairie, Schull, after midnight.

They testified today that he spoke at length about the murder and brought out his album of newspaper clippings related to the crime.

Mrs Shelley said he seemed to have all of the articles that had been written.

They said that Jules Thomas went to bed and that at one stage Ian Bailey began to cry and he put his arms around Mr Shelley and said: “I did it, I did it, I went too far.”

A former newspaper news editor has told the High Court she did not consider Ian Bailey was engaging in “black humour” when he told her: “It was me, I did it, I killed her to resurrect my career.” Helen Callanan, news editor of the Sunday Tribune in 1996, said she regarded those remarks made in February 1997 as a confession and reported them to gardaí.

She knew Mr Bailey had said they were a “regrettable black joke” but she considered it very serious, unusual and upsetting as Sophie Toscan du Plantier was murdered weeks earlier.

Jim Duggan, for Mr Bailey, suggested he was “very cross” that someone had said he was a murder suspect, he wanted to find out who and mentioned that information was worth €20,000 for a possible defamation action. Ms Callanan said it would not be incorrect to report he was a suspect because he was a suspect.

She agreed that what Mr Bailey said to her was “very surprising” and, if he was saying what he said out of exasperation, that was another matter. Her level of shock also rose because a person reporting the murder for her newspaper was a suspect and was saying to her he did it. She denied she disliked Mr Bailey and said she had never met him.


She told Mr Bailey in early February 1997 that she had been told he was “the suspect in the case”. His response was “incredible”, he was “cool and calm”, asked her who told her and said it was worth €20,000 to him and seemed unable to see he “had effectively duped me”. The idea did not occur to him to extricate himself, the “moral compass was broken” and he had never apologised, she added.

Ms Callanan had previously cut parts of his stories which referred to Ms du Plantier having lovers and, during a “serious” conversation with Mr Bailey, he had said “it was me,” she said. She thought at first he meant he was a lover of Ms du Plantier but he went on to say: “It was me, I did it, I killed her, I did it to resurrect my career.” She was “flabbergasted”, did not know what to make of what he said and reported it to gardaí.

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Listen to the west cork podcast and you’ll hear what his mother has to say about it.

And the lad refuses to talk about it now.

I wonder why.

You said the Gardai and media made up that Bailey had blabbed that he did it.

I’ve given you three pieces of court testimony which say he blabbed plus links to Irish Examiner and Irish Times reporting on this testimony and you’ve just ignored it.


Baileys living rent free here,lads.
Have a look at his twitter posts,his replies specifically and tell me why in the name of all thats right,would ye be bothered discussing him?

They did.

The guards called to the school of child with out the permission of his mother.

He was called as a witness to the French trial but wanted nothing to do with it.

The guards tried to frame Bailey. They made up vicious lies that the likes of you continue to pedal.