The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The basis of anybody’s argument on here is formed around the lies the guards made up to frame Bailey.

They told everyone it was Bailey.
They told people he’d murder again.
They allowed rumours be presented as facts in the media.
They lost evidence.
They destroyed evidence.

It’s a clear stitch up effort.

The best lads can come up with was he had apparently had scratches. God only knows how fellas on here link scratches to a murder.

The German man who also had a history of domestic abuse seemed to be ruled out very quickly. He committed suicide a few months later. Was there reason why was ruled out? All the notes on suspects were removed from the guarda files with a scissors.

Now we know where the gate ended up….





I saw a picture in The Journal earlier and was going to post the same.

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Interesting when the guards gained access to the
House there was no lights on and the front door was locked. Only the back door was open.

All the evidence points to an early morning death from what I can see.

Of course the 2 am murder time suited the narrative around framing Bailey.


It’s also interesting the gate was always closed. Many of Sophie’s friends confirmed she always latched it regardless.

The postman confirmed at 6 pm the gate was locked but when the guards arrived the gate was swung wide open and latched backed. Surely indicating it was a car that had come in.

In even more interesting news the very first guard to mention Bailey as a suspect just happened to be one of the very first guards at the scene.

What a coincidence that was.

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We’ve our own Inspector Cluedo on the case thankfully


Loathe as I am to go back into the rabbit-hole…




Is there some massive relevance to that? Rural West Cork in 1996 wasn’t exactly falling down with suspects for violent murders I’d imagine

A lot more suspects than I predicted any way.

Seemed a half way house for lunatics.


How did they rule out the German chap who had a history of violence and lived beside Sophie? Committed suicide a few months later. Apparently left a note saying he’d done something terrible but I’m not sure that. Albeit lads have used all sorts of tall tails to blame Bailey.

Sorry early morning I mean after 6 am. Post mortem suggests she’d eaten breakfast. I don’t get why they claimed 2 am.

Front door locked and no lights on in the house surely suggest some level of brightness.

I’d say you thought Tina Satchwell’s fella was innocent too.

Any reason they seemed to categorically clear this individual bar his name wasn’t Ian Bailey?

Don’t even know who that is.

Another englishman wrongly accused. Similar case. Kept himself in the news. Pleading for witnesses to come forward etc.