The Ian Bailey is dead thread

He could still be guilty though surely?

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Wearside Jack.

Listen to the music - he’s evil.

On what basis? There is quite literally no discernible evidence to suggest it was him

A quick google tells me that Jules Thomas has her own website (she’s an artist), with her mobile number listed on it. She must get some weird phone calls and texts. Brave woman.

O’Doherty completely lost the plot years ago

Her husband died in 2015, that article is from 2018

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Is there any evidence against anybody else?

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Netflix are doing a 4 hour show on this that should be out next year. Iv a feeling the incompetence it will highlight will make the Wisconsin investigators blush with embarrassment for Corks finest.

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That was sort of my point. I have no doubt about incompetence and corruption, and suspect Bailey is innocent, but there is nothing to say whether he is or isn’t.

Who is jules Thomas??

the presumption of innocence is a vital, constitutionally guaranteed, right of a
person accused in a criminal trial and that the right has been expressly recognised
in all of the major international human rights instruments currently in force

Really?? :eyes:

I suspect he did it based on Ockham’s razor

Ian Bailey’s partner.

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Occam’s, and if thats the conclusion youre coming to youre doing it wrong

William of Ockham, a Franciscan friar who studied logic in the 14th century, first made this principle well known.[1] In Latin it is sometimes called lex parsimoniae , or “the law of briefness”. William of Ockham supposedly (see below) wrote it in Latin:

** Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem. [1]*

This translates roughly:

** More things should not be used than are necessary.*

This means if there are several possible ways something might have happened, the way which uses the fewest guesses is probably the correct one. However, Occam’s razor only applies when the simple explanation and complex explanation both work equally well. If a more complex explanation does a better job than a simpler one, then you should use the complex explanation.

Doing it wrong? Not really

Bailey did it seems the likeliest explanation

Same as Larry Murphy murdering Deirdre Jacob seem the likeliest explanation

Why so??

no, like the gardai youre totally ignoring all the hard evidence that exonerates bailey

Because there’s no likelier explanation

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Which hard evidence exonerated him art?