The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Is Bailey paying Buttimer for this or is this merely a vanity project on Buttimerā€™s behalf?

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there may be a little of the profile but id say that the cases that buttimer wins for bailey are paying the bills for all the losers. buttimer wouldve gotten significant costs orders for previous cases involving bailey in the past and thats whats paying the way.

id also say in fairness to buttimer that he genuinely thinks what has happened to bailey is a travesty of justice and is happy for bailey to be his pro bono (amongst others)

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Did he ever have to pay this?

Fiver a month

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Buttimers busted by all accounts so he will get his earnings some way,prick out of the courtroom
But inside heā€™s brilliant;
As the crims call himā€ nice one Frankā€

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Frank, as a solicitor is hardly doing a whole lot in the courtroom outside of the non jury Mickey Mouse stuff in the District Court. Itā€™s the barrister running the show once the ball is thrown in, in the Circuit Court, Central Criminal Court and beyond.

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Heā€™s a smooth operator , imagine his own book whenever it comes will be a winner

Can someone set up a poll whether heā€™s guilty or not so I can finally make my mind up.

Just started listening to the ā€œwest corkā€ podcast
I will make my final decision on whether I think he is innocent not after I finish it.

Wait for the Jim Sheridan doc

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Them two running it havenā€™t a clue. They take people at face value and are then surprised when a different version of events surfaces. English I suppose.

Who could possibly understand West Cork better than a well heeled English couple?


Can you keep me informed please mate.

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The guy in the English Market who got done for buying veg in lidl and selling it there? Itā€™s the mix of uber-Cark pride and slƬbhƬn to really understand them.

sounds like @Thomas_Brady

I always thought Bailey was innocent of the murder but in last few months i am beginning to change my mind. Seems a total looper.

Could imagine a few of the locals spinning a few yarns to the nice English couple who are snooping around the place

A couple of decades of constant harassment from the police might turn anyone a bit loopy in fairness. Not surprised he smokes weed

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The Murder at the Cottage Series on Sky is out. Episode one was very good.

Jim Sheridan gift for storytelling elevates it above the usual documentary.