The Ian Bailey is dead thread

good to have the debate though!!

also, what in the name of fuck were the fench at, taking the throoughly discredited garda investigation as gospel?? how powerful are the TDP family?

“The Sheriff” I believe he was known as. A clown of a man

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Fingerprint analysis is hardly CSI Miami.

Trying to make the case fit around someone that you have a hunch of committing the offence is a big deal.

He was there and there’s still no evidence 🤷

Graham Dwyer left no forensic evidence.
There was zero hard evidence.

@artfoley is desperately making things up. Thrashing in the water attracts sharks art.

All about as plausible as a fella saying it’s in NPHET’s & the Government’s interest to keep a country under restrictions.

i mustve missed the videos that bailey did hitting women on the head, or the 2 phones, one named killer and one named victim

id think you more a seal than a shark flatty

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You’ve missed a lot Mr Bailey.

“but the gardai told me bailey dunnit, and the gardai are honourable men”

Good enough for me.

Case Closed.


Not true. His DNA was all over her apartment, including semen on her bed. And mobile phone traffic counted as forensics.


But all that proved was that they were having a sexual affair, on and off since 2007 by all accounts.

What forensic evidence was there to tie him to a murder? (other than being from west Cork)

The podcast showed bailey knew details of the case hours after and before any of it was public knowledge. I can’t remember exactly but he confirmed something to another tan family down there. How did he have that information?

Bailey was a weirdo with a history of extreme violence against women who even told people he did it. But Foley thinks they were wasting their time looking into him.

I think phone evidence was all (that phone evidence may be thrown out) *

  • it won’t - they’ll find a way to keep it.

Dwyer case was fascinating. It’s almost unheard of to deny a person bail the way he was.

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Everything against Bailey is circumstantial or hearsay.

He may have done it but there’s nothing substantive to say he did do it and the role of the Gardai suggest a massive coverup and framing job.

just had a scan over the journey times again mate, not looking good for Bailey


I think you have too much faith in the intelligence of the average muldoon Garda if you think it’s some sophisticated cover up rather than incompetence

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You think evidence went missing due to incompetence rather than by design?

I didn’t say the coverup was sophisticated either.