The Ian Bailey is dead thread

There have been a lot of murders in rural Ireland down the years that have been solved cleanly - I think rural guards are a convenient scapegoat here.

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I would say itā€™s more likely yes. The majority of guards Iā€™ve met are complete simpletons

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Wasnā€™t it said a gate which was part of evidence went missing?

And you think that is incompetence?

Coercing locals to come forward as witnesses is incompetence?

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quelle surprise, moron MAW thinks that the gardai shouldnt follow the evidence but try to fit the guy they think it was :roll_eyes:

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sure it was an easy gate to lose

So no answer as to how bailey knew details before they were released.

Stick on CSI again there and bemoan the fact the guards hadnā€™t it solved in 45 minutes plus breaks.

An appalling vista

and wheres the link to your assertions?

It was on the west cork podcast. Do I have to repeat things now for you. But yeah it was a massive conspiracy.

and who said that on the west cork podcast?

It was some friends of bailey.

Wait a minuteā€¦do you think the English couple who made the podcast were in on it with the guards and are framing bailey tooā€¦weā€™re through the looking glass

so hearsay, not a particularly difficult to grasp, im sure, with help, that youd get to grips with it.

not at all, but id fear the day that weā€™re accepting podcasts as formal evidence

I hope itā€™s better than the one about the fella from Laois pushing fellas under trains in London.


whats @myboyblue been up to now?

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Hearsay yes, did I say it completely proved anything? But itā€™s a point that definitely puts him under the spotlight and you or bailey have no answer for, so flail away. You think that solely because his fingerprints werenā€™t found heā€™s clearly innocent. Moron.

well inspector cretin, we have hearsay from people who say theyre friends of bailey and that he said that. but they went unchallenged so the evidence hasnt been tested. i wonder if they would say the same under oath.

So you think they made it up to frame him. Everythings a frame job apparently.

nope, it all comes back to the gardai poisoning the well WRT bailey in the media and the locality.

think salem, but instead of witches its bailey

Agree the guards fucked up (what a surprise), but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence linking him to the crime. Especially his apparent lies about knowing her, his apparent lies about where he was the night in question, his apparent lies about how his hands and arms got shredded, and his apparent lies about when he learned of the murder and who was murdered. Then there was the bravado of boasting he did it to locals (who the fuck does that), his history of extreme violence against his own partner, and his writings which apparently suggest he was a sexual predator (I havenā€™t read them).

If it went to trial back in 1997, do you think he would have been convicted?


On the West Cork podcast there was a section where they spoke to a garage owner where STDP stopped to get petrol a few days before the murder
There was a male co-passenger, the owner didnā€™t confirm nor deny it was Bailey

As mentioned by someone else Schull seems full of ā€œblow insā€ anyone familiar with area able to confirm, or does John Bull just like talking