The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Well Pat Gillane was convicted of soliciting his wifeā€™s murder in 1997 on the evidence of a fella who admitted in Court that he was picking up signals from alien beings on the metal plate in his head, so anything was possible then.


From Cork was he?

A man who says Mr Pat Gillane asked him to murder his wife, Philomena, told a court yesterday he had a microchip in his head and people could read his thoughts. ā€œI know people can read my mind,ā€ Mr Christopher Bolger said. ā€œI had a microchip placed in my skull which is connected to my mouth when I was 28.ā€

He said he was given the ā€œmicrochipā€ during a head operation by a brain surgeon in the Mater Hospital 20 years ago. On the second day of Mr Gillaneā€™s trial at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court the jury also heard details of a sexual relationship between him and his wifeā€™s sister, Ms Bridie Gordon.

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Must have been a fan of The X Files

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like i said earlier, a lot of the bailey dislikng from the locals is as a result of the campaign by AGS. thereā€™s no doubt hes an oddbod, weirdo and woman beater, but he appears to have a very dark sense of humour.

if it had gone to trial in 97, it was a very different ireland and the testimony of a number of gardai wouldve been enough to send him down.

if you dont think the gardai would stitch someone up, have a look at the morris tribunal findings


Lot of punches thrown but all easily dodged by @artfoley.

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Not trying to derail the thread but the Gardai went to some lengths to keep him in custody once they arrested him.

Yeah - I remember at the time wondering what the fuck they knew about him.

They probably wanted to pin raoinaid murray on him

I donā€™t think the full story has been made public, wasnā€™t there some talk of a tip-off?

I know an American who lived down there at the time. He was hoping his uncle down there would leave him his house, but he cleared him. He later moved to Caherdavin where he lived with a Polish one and worked polishing the floors in Shannon Airport.

Iā€™m fairly sure it was he that did it. He was always bumming pints in Na Piarsaigh. I didnā€™t mind because he kept a flow on the Smithwicks tap. Heā€™s since gone back to the states.

Rumours that a female barrister who was close to senior guards in her job had told them to keep him as he was dangerous.

She knew him as she was into the kinky stuff too.

The lads on having to testify should be a lesson to lads on here

Was story there was that Gardai were confident they knew who did it but did not have enough to proceed?

Yes Schull is full of blow Ins. A lot of west Cork is. English and Germans. Property was v cheap years ago and it was a desirable place to retire

A grand gate.

cc @KinvarasPassion

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Schull is beautiful in Summer, not so desirable in bleakest winter.

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At the scene of the crime. Sure anyone could have rode her. She could have been one of your thousand for all youā€™d know.

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This is it in neat summation.
But heā€™s a creepy individual.

Itā€™s Cork though.

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