The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Even for cork.
There. I said it.

I think Bailey is as innocent as Oj Simpson.

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Well, you are really letting down yourself, there. You appear to have a rather dubious attitude towards women. But so be it.

Graham Dwyer is as guilty as sin and thankfully the horrible inadequate psychopathic creep got spooned into chokey – pun intended. Delightful that he had Tom Humphries as a white collar pal.

The detective work that snared GD must count as probably the finest ever investigation in the history of the state. Frightening aspect? Twofold: if the summer of 2013 had not been so extraordinarily dry as to empty reservoirs; if GD had thought of travelling over to Liverpool on a ferry as a foot passenger and thrown the evidence later found in a reservoir into the Irish Sea.


Hold on a second. You are on record here as saying you’ve had sex with over a thousand women :slightly_smiling_face:. And I have a dubious attitude?
Well ok then

You have a rather corrugated mind – and should, when on the topic of women and sex, think 20 times before speaking.

Part of the reason so many women were smitten, however temporarily and in whatever degree, was because I am the sort of heterosexual who actually likes women. Many heterosexuals do not particularly like women.


Sure lookit, if bragging about having had sex with over a thousand women makes you feel better, that’s at least something I spose.

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Complete strawman. I never said O Dwyer wasn’t guilty. I said there was no forensic evidence. You stretched things to include phone records etc, but there was no forensic evidence at the crime scene.

I was not bragging. I was simply shutting up a fooleen from Wexford.

I use a shotgun for pheasants but a .22 for the Wexford rabbit. And, really, for ease of preparation and culinary satisfaction, any rabbit needs to be headshot.

That was an entirely different situation. In Dwyer’s case there was no known crime scene.

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poor old Harry Gleeson was done for one in Tipp, got a pardon decades later decades after the state hung him to death

You do not understand the law. Phone data was forensic evidence. The question about that data was not its efficacy but its admissibility. And the idea that forensic evidence is confined to a “crime scene” (by which you erroneously mean ‘where the remains were found’) is for the dizzy birds. A single murder could involve multiple crime scenes – as happened recently when that young thug got dismembered in Drogheda.

The Nobody Zone? I quite enjoyed that.

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They tore the arse out of it.

Ah shur they do that with every true crime series ever.

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I think Dwyer case is due before European Court of Justice on Friday this week. Based on precedent he’d be looking at a retrial but I’d suggest they’ll find a way to fudge it.

If they don’t he has a strong argument of no jury being unprejudiced against him but again they’ll find a way to arrange a retrial.

Baileys mrs is very convincing.

How can I watch this documentary?

I’m listening to the podcasts anyway.

The Netflix one isn’t out until next week

I thought there was one on Sky too?

I’m flicking through the Sky Crime planner here but not getting much traction.