The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Try Catch Up TV.

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Youā€™d wonder why the mrs would protect him? He hit her a few clips too.

Fellas of his vintage would have seen no issue hitting the missus a few clips. That was par for the course years ago.

Is he a raging alcoholic ?

The French case was a farce based on the documentary.

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Just as a matter of interest, would you have granted the extradition request? I nearly would have just for the craic

No. Weā€™re a sovereign state. DOJ were fuck acting too on it sending off the file.

He just pulled out his own tooth on camera. Heā€™s bonkers alright.


I wouldnā€™t think Grahamā€™s prospects in a retrial are great.

I donā€™t think heā€™ll get the retrial.

If he did be some job to get a jury who have not been influenced by mediaā€¦ā€¦

Sure it was based on the gardai file. What else could it be.

I feel sorry for her family as theyā€™ve had fake news poured in their ears for the last 25 years by AGS

Couldnā€™t grant it. Thereā€™s no correlation of french. We canā€™t prosecute for the murder of an irish person in another jurisdiction

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Do you think Bailey did it?


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  • Guilty
  • Not Guilty

0 voters

I must say I done some laughing when the guards accidentally set up a wire tap on their own phones.

Is it not being shown again tonight on Sky Crime? The 1st 2 episodes

Keep your eyes on it. Apparently a 5 bar gate, smothered in blood, has disappeared.

I watched the five episodes the last few days. I thought it was very underwhelming. Not sure what I expected but that wasnā€™t it really. Maybe the Netflix one will be better.

Have you listened to the podcast? Iā€™m convinced heā€™s innocent now after 7 episodes.

11 episodes sorry.