The Ian Bailey is dead thread



In my opinion the biggest question marks over Bailey are the time frame on December 23rd when he says he received a call about the murder and what transpired after that. He changed his version of events surrounding the 22nd and 23rd a few times

The initial denials he knew her and the later admissions they had been introduced.

The Christmas morning fire. Bizzare.

The confession to the Shelleys years later too.

The cunt did it.


Did some work for a long serving Garda in cork city not too long ago , asked him about Bailey and he said he deffo did it :man_shrugging:t2:

The crazy bastard absolutely did it


He knew a lot of information that wasnā€™t in the public domain at the time. There was no way he could have known some of the details unless he killed her.

  • He was wrecked in scratches on his forehead and arms in the days immediately after the murder. Her body was found in briars and she had been struggling with someone in them. Bailey made out the scratches on his arms were from cutting down a Christmas tree (the firs) and the scratch on his forehead was when a turkey kicked him while he was killing it. These were his actual excuses for the marks on his body.

  • His statement to Gardai about his whereabouts on the night of the murder was he was in bed with Jules all night but her statement contradicted it in that it transpired he left the house in the middle of the night to go to his studio down the back garden and he worked there until morning when he came in and made Jules a cup of coffee. When he realised sheā€™d made a contradictory statement he went back down to the station and amended his to match Jules.

  • History of violence towards women - he bate up Jules at least once and the guards were called.

  • He claims he only knew of STDP and never met her but Sophieā€™s nearest neighbor Alfie Lyons hired Bailey to do some gardening and he said in the documentary that he is 90% sure he introduced the two one day outside his house.

  • Turning up at the crime scene as a reporter when the guards hadnā€™t long arrived themselves. He claims he heard in the post office that a french woman had been murdered and pieced it together from that but it seems a bit far fetched that he would figure it all out so quickly. Murderers have a habit of hanging around their crime scenes afterwards. He had an enormous amount of intimate info about the crime scene which he said afterwards was from a Garda source, but the lead investigator refuted that he had a source in the guards (then he would wouldnā€™t he)

  • Various witnesses came forward to say he confessed to them. Firstly a young lad he gave a lift home to - he told him he bashed her brains in. He denied he said this. Not sure why a randomer or loose acquaintance would come forward with this info. Then a couple (the scanlons?) with no vested interest say they were invited back to Jules and Baileys house after the pub one night and Bailey was in an awful state coming in and repeatedly saying ā€œI did it. I did itā€ or something to that effect. Again he denied all this. There was also a friend of Sophieā€™s in France who told the guards that before her murder she told her that a local man wanted to meet her to discuss cultural matters when she returned to Cork and that he was a poet.

Thatā€™s just a few things stuck with me off the top of my head. There were possibly more. Before I watched this I was of the opinion that gun to my head I would call him innocent. But after it I am suspicious enough that if a gun was placed to my head Iā€™d call it that heā€™s guilty. In saying that there isnā€™t a shred of evidence against him bar circumstancial. But the circumstancial evidence is all too coincidental to my liking for him to be simply unlucky.

Now he is obviously eccentric and an attention seeker and a ā€˜blow-inā€™ but these arenā€™t enough to make him guilty, but still and all there are all these little breadcrumbs that are hard to deny. Thereā€™s no DNA but I think the initial efforts at collecting it were botched. Iā€™d say itā€™s fair to say heā€™ll go to the grave and weā€™ll never know if he is guilty or not and this will go down unsolved.


The Garda conduct was a disgrace, they made an absolute balls of the entire investigation and their attempts to then pin it on Bailey were even worse.

Not saying I exactly think he didnā€™t do it but I think itā€™s unlikely and I also doubt it will ever be solved.

There is zero actual evidence which could be used in court and any circumstantial evidence is very flimsy. The DPP was correct when refusing to bring a case against him.

Agreed that the DPP were right to drop it as there isnā€™t any proper evidence against him (DNA, eye witnesses for example) but I wouldnā€™t say the circumstantial evidence is flimsy. If he did it heā€™s absolutely poxed the investigation wad so botched because I wouldnā€™t think heā€™s a criminal mastermind. Equally if he is innocent then his life has been ruined with this hanging over him for 25 years and counting.


Thatā€™s good enough for me anyway

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Forget the evidence, Iā€™d lock him up based on hearsay

Lookit lads, even by the heavyweight standards of West cork, heā€™s a creep and and oddball.

Heā€™s the only man Iā€™ve ever heard of that got a kick in the head from a turkey.


This is the classic line in the whole thing.

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He wouldnā€™t be much good boxing a rabbit

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He had no luck with animals, the poor divil.

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Jim Sheridanā€™s documentary, according to Bailey, was fair to him and impartial. I suppose it leaves it up to the viewer to make up their own minds based on all the circumstantial evidence provided during the five parts. If Sheridanā€™s was fair to Bailey I donā€™t know what the Netflix one will be like! Bailey is shitting it about the Netflix one, says he will have his solicitors going over every sentence. I find it hard to believe that Netflix will come up with anything new but rather put their own slant on how they put across everything.

The biggest problem I had with Sheridanā€™s documentary is that it didnā€™t go into any alternative theories on what happened to her.

Wasnā€™t the husband married within 12 months of death ? Very odd that she went to cork to spend Christmas on her own

18 months. People were supposed to travel with her but had to rearrange plans at last minute. Phone records show she rang her husband the night she was killed.

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In fairness her friends claimed she asked everyone to go with her including family.

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