The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The greatest mystery of all time is your one Farrell protecting the lad she was having an affair with and who she saw that night walking the road. Her original description matched with somebody on a flight from Paris a few days earlier.

The person who was walking the road was surely the killer.

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It’s a while since I listened to it but wasn’t she completely daft? I wouldn’t be taking anything she said as gospel

Didn’t a few Gardai go to Paris to question people (not sure who, assume family to get background info) and Jean Claude told Paddy to get back on the plane like a good lad.

All very good, but you haven’t explained the clump of hair found in her hand that didn’t belong to Bailey.

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Well the whole case was built around her seeing Bailey that night.

She admitted she was forced to say it was him by the guards.

When she admitted she lied the whole community turned on her.

I took this as the whole community piled in on Bailey after she said she saw him. When she had admitted she lied the baying mob looked very foolish.

A fella from Dublin was accused as well. He said in The pub he joked a few months earlier that he wanted Sophie’s land. Locals went to the guards with this as a potential motive.

Can you imagine what happened when the busy body locals heard Mary Farrell saying she saw Bailey a mile from the murder ? And then how they felt after she admitted she lied.

She is living in Meath now. She was trying to take a court case against a club up there over a local lotto.

West Cork was always riddled with informers


Regardless. She admitted she made it up. There was a heap of on record inconsistencies in her statements.

I believe once she came forward everyone assumed it was Bailey and a pile in commenced.

Bailey would rub anybody up the wrong way and the locals had their chance to settle scores.

I presume back then tourism was big in the area? They wouldn’t want a local going down for it and they’d have wanted to solve it quickly. It made sense for everybody to pin it on Bailey.

He came to prominence for a myriad of reasons not least because be wrote an article for the Irish daily star between Christmas and New year saying she wasn’t sexually assaulted. He had no way of knowing that. The information wasn’t in the public domain and results of post mortem were not concluded.

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It was her own hair afaik

That was the give away to the Gardaí alright. He couldn’t help himself being the lead journalist on the story with all the exclusives. The Gardaí didn’t even know whether she had been sexually assaulted or not at that point. He presumed they did and could always say he got the info from a “Garda source”.

Most of it was but didn’t Harbison identify a few hairs that were not her own?

Informative rating. First I ever heard of unidentified hair.

I think @johnnysachs or @artfoley posted something about it earlier in the thread

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I wondered what was the point of showing Bailey pulling his teeth out with a pliers was

Apparently Jim Sheridan has made a statement to cops about new information in the case - relating to Maria fucking Farrell.

Why are they even bothering?

That episode with jules Thomas’s 70th birthday was so cringeworthy, Bailey is a full blown alcoholic and you’d almost feel sorry for him.I could just imagine the pressure he must be under. He’s gonna spiral very quickly I’d imagine. I’d seriously doubt he killed sofie, it’s such a fucked up case and Such an embarrassment for the Irish judiciary that they held a murder trial in France based on the Garda files for a murder that was committed on Irish soil. There’s not a politician in the country who’d be daft enough to get involved

There are but probably none in West Cork.

Chances are Bailey will die by the time the guilty party is identified.

Doc showed how much of a gobshite he is but it’s insane that there’s no obvious connection made between him and Sophie prior to the murder.

To think we cringe at the way the Guildford 4 and the likes of Steven Avery were handled in other jurisdictions.