The Ian Bailey is dead thread

It’s fairly obvious who ever Farrell saw that night was the murderer.

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If you can believe a word she says that she saw anyone.


Did she see anyone at all is the question? I think she’s said so much stuff that was withdrawn or discarded that they don’t know what to believe.

I guess the idea of showing Bailey pulling his own tooth might be two fold - showing what an attention seeker he is but maybe also how he could be capable of something most people would deem a bit barbaric?

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Are ye sure it was a man that did it?

A cavity block is heavy enough. But I suppose it could have been half a cavity block.

Did they ever find the block or did it go the way of the gate?

Why wouldn’t you?

Ah here - read up about her.

She was threatened by the guards.

They found the block alright but whether or not they still have it is another question.

She’s unhinged

That’s what the guards want you to think.

She does a good enough job of it all by herself

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It’s very simple. The guards forced her to lie. A lads life was totally destroyed by the lie and she cracked up under the pressure.

It’s obvious that person was the murder.

Or she made it up

Her credibility is definitely in tatters, but tbf she contacted the Garda anonymously in the beginning stating she saw that man at kealfada bridge even though it was perilous to both hers and her acquaintances marriages

Why would she do that? The initial description she gave didn’t look anything like Bailey.

Because she’s completely daft

You’ve been sold a pup by the guards.

Like the missing gate.