The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Schull is full of either hippies or people who think they are from Dalkey or Killiney. Iā€™d say the locals would be good contributors to the RNLI.

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Sounds like he had a breakdown of sorts and headed for West cork to try and step out of life for a while.

Whatā€™s this? Iā€™ve only listened to the West Cork podcast, I havenā€™t seen either tv documentary

A young Italian lady who was a friend of Jules Thomasā€™ daughters appeared on the Netflix documentary. She stayed with Bailey and Thomas around the time of the murder or just afterwards.

Anyway, she was taking a shower and noticed that a black overcoat was soaking in a bucket of water in the bathroom. She found this an odd time of year to be washing such a bulky piece of clothing given the lack of sun and wet weather conditions.

This was the first time I had heard this story also.


That hardly means you committed a murder.

Watch the Netflix doc. Itā€™s not long and is quite interesting in a sad way, if only to see how many strange folk are kicking about. STdPā€™s son seemed a nice man, but some of her family were unusual souls. Schull didnā€™t seem to have a ā€œnormalā€ resident (I suspect a touch of gerrymandering by the casting director here)

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When you piece it together with everything else though it seems unusual.

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I thought it was odd enough to point in his direction, she also saw the scratches and didnā€™t think they were caused by a Christmas tree.
I donā€™t really buy a turkey gouging his forehead with its leg, especially as he said the turkeys were string upside down and hanging by both feet.

Iā€™ve only seen the Sky documentary but it referred to him as a writer/poet that was doing freelance journalism as well.

That wouldnā€™t be overly unusual. Lots of journalists become disillusioned with it in their mid-30 and try out other things but use it to subsidise their income.

Rubbish, sure you wouldnā€™t fit an overcoat into a bucket.

The West Cork podcast explains a lot more about his back story - a history of inappropriate behaviour, burned bridges, drug-induced oddness, a failed marriage etc. He had basically given up on journalism by the time he moved to West Cork. He showed huge early promise but then destroyed his career.

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Par for the course for a huge amount of journalists during the 70s/80s and 90s.

But speaking exclusively to the Irish Sun last night, Bailey responded: ā€œI have a one-word answer to Mr Spilliaert . . . PĆ³g mo thĆ³in.ā€

The Manchester-born journalist, 64, added: ā€œThe problem with the French is they never got over the defeat at Agincourt.ā€

Maybe this Bailey lad is alright after all.

would that not make the feet at head height for bailey (hes around 6.3)

They had a reconstruction of an overcoat in a bucket.

More how would a turkey strung upside down by the feet (an odd state of affairs as he said he had three strung up thus) manage to kick him in the head. Itā€™s an unlikely story to my mind.

Also anybody who has ever been scratched by a turkey will know that it rarely breaks the skin. Fair sore alright but no blood.

Whereas a briar on the other handā€¦

Unfortunately I couldnā€™t find a good example.

Watched the netflix doc, I thought it was well constructed and produced. Yes, itā€™s all circumstantial evidence but thereā€™s a lot of it and his explanations are just not believable.

The gardai made a mess of the investigation no doubt but that doesnā€™t mean he didnā€™t do it.

Heā€™s guilty, it was him, he murdered her.

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Itā€™s in the papers now Jules has left him.

Iā€™ve came to the exact same conclusion.The Psycho is that cracked heā€™s after convincing himself he didnā€™t do it.All psychology students should study him closely.