The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Christ the videos of him at the Christmas swim would give you chills.

Mairead Farell clearly was some local simpletom woman who the gardai though they could stitch up,
The story you are referring to i believe occurred in a local bar, Insp. Fitzgibbon followed Farrell into the ladies toilets, dropped his pants and said something along the lines of " Would you like a bit of this, wouldnt it be great to string up that long English bollux". Her husband was sitting at the bar at the time and if I do recall from Philip Boucher Hayes magnificent court reports at the time she was asked by Frank Buttimer , Ian’s lawyer how she felt about that incident , to which she replied " People can do odd things when they have drink taken".
On another occasion iirr Insp, Fitzgibbon called to her house , stripped naked and asked her for sex…

now, i watched the first 20 minutes of the Netflix one and just turned it off, it was Banged up Abroad type nonsense with the faux attempt at the start to depict Schull like outer mongolia and the slow deliberate interviews to depict disbelief.
Id imagine the rest was fairly sanitized stuff as well
I wonder was there any mention to Ian sitting naked on Barleycove late at night reciting poetry surrounded by virgins?

Bailey is an odd character who clearly revelled in this but I cant for sure say he did this, the gardai’s desperate atempts to drag out witneses would lead me to believe it may have been more that just bailey involved or perhaps someone else entirely.
Schull and that area around Baltimore are really off the beaten track, if you are heading down there from Dublin direction the road down west after Crookstown down thru Beal na mBlath is really the absolute middle of nowwhere and these places operate at their own pace entirely… Du Plantier struck me as bit of an oddball as well from what we know of her… as @flattythehurdler says - Bailey is an odd , deeeply unpleasant individual bu he fits right in with the supporting cast down there of absolute odd, strange individuals


That never happened! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The story was he sat in a deckchair naked and howling at the moon while 10 lesbians danced around him.

Once Farrell admitted she was forced to lie by the guards the whole of skull turned on her. This tells you the locals knew well they’d piled in on Bailey based on her lies and were now looking very foolish.

i was close enough.
Netflix i assume wouldnt like that or the inspector producing his knob to Mairead Farrell as it dosent help the narrative

I’ve just had a sudden thought - do you think the man Mairead Farrell was having an affair with could have been a cop?

Would there be ten lesbians in skull in the 90s?

maybe they got lost on their way to muff or meelick


Didn’t a barrister or judge or someone ask Farrell if it was a regular occurrence for men to strip naked in front of her looking for sex?

She said something along the lines of ‘When I was younger, yes, but I’ve let myself go’.




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The common theme here is outlandish allegations by Mairead Farrell. I just discount her entirely.

So the black jacket was recovered. Amazing how this stuff gets twisted.

Just listening to the Ian Bailey interview with Niall Boylan.

Did anybody else ever mention the blue car theory?

Bailey said the Gardai took it with some other stuff as evidence and he has the official paperwork to prove it , could he have had more than one coat though? Shur they didn’t arrest for weeks after the murder.

Yea, his black coat was taken by the guards and tested negative, but it’s not known what was burned in the fire at the back of the studio. Could have been another big coat.

Also the Sky documentary says the hair found in Sophie’s hand was her own. I didn’t hear that before.

I’m finding the Sky documentary way better than the Netflix one. Much more detail and information.

That’s a new one on me. Please expand…

It’s gruesome to think of it but I wonder did her hair get caught on briars or barbed wire forcing her to pull at it. That poor woman was fleeing for her life from some despicable cunt!

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