The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Of course he could have had another black coat but people make out his black coat was never recovered.

Would it have been unusual to have been lighting fires back then to burn rubbish? Was recycling a thing back then?

A long read by you know who.
Vindicates Bailey completely.

Posted above by Art.

That Dermot Dwyer fella :smile: You wouldn’t put that lad in charge of a hen house.


I doubt too many people were that flaithiĂșlach with money back in pre Celtic Ireland they they would have had numerous winter coats of the same colour

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The answer is no, recycling was not commonplace in the mid 90s, my missus did a thesis on the subject at the time and it was minimal, didn’t Jules swear black and blue that the bonfire had been much earlier??

I’d pay good money to watch a TV show where Bailey and Dwyer hang out for a weekend,
Dwyer comes across as a grumpy simpleton with Sheridan, he’s a much more likeable character on Netflix


Dwyer tried to come across as intelligent on the Netflix one but at the same time was he not the one that drew the sketch of Bailey’s hands because they couldn’t find a camera in the middle of a murder investigation in 1997?

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Was there ever any theories on the blue car?

Even the guy who claims he introduced Bailey to Sophie said he’s only 90 percent sure :joy:

Were police cars still blue at that time ?

They sure were. :thinking:


How would a cop car in the 90s still have that licence plate? Thought it was around late 80s the change came in? Bus in the photo even had email address

I feel like you’re being purposely deceitful. Would you mind coming in for a few questions we have for you?

That car has 1986 plates, at the latest. I doubt the cops were using 10 year old cars

I thought the Netflix episodes were much better than Jim Sheridan’s efforts for sky.

Yes, it was theorised by a woman with a known hatred for the GardaĂ­

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It was a man who identified the car.

It’s a restored special branch car from 1983. I’m not sure when Garda cars changed to white.

Maybe it wasn’t a Fiesta. Don’t forget about the French hitman theory which was knocking about and sightings of a man in a beret.

It could have been him in a rush to get the ferry back to France.


A man in a beret :joy:
Did he have a string of onions around his neck?
The thought that a paid assassin would travel across Europe to execute her, and do so by chasing her down a lane with a brick, and hide his frenchness by wearing a beret :joy:


Either way The car siting is critical.