The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Sounds like it was never looked into.

Depends where it was sited.

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A lad working in a Skibbereen petrol station says he saw here with someone in a blue Fiesta on the 20th.

No doubt the guards drew a sketch at the time of baileys car and will go back now with a blue crayon and colour it in.


There’s a fair bit of straw clutching here. People happy to implicate “a car” still speeding around the area driven by a suspicious man in a beret and a twirly moustache hours after the murder, but won’t believe a normal couple who both say bailey drunkenly confessed.
The same lads believe poor oul Ian just happened upon the murder scene hours before anyone knew about it, had the misfortune to be attacked by both a Christmas tree and a turkey in separate unrelated incidents at exactly the time of the murder, and forgot he’d been out of the house all night that night. Oh and he burned his clothes because why wouldn’t you?


He didn’t happen on the murder seen hours before anybody knew about it.

It was on the national news at 2pm and he had been told at 13:30 by phone about it. He got there at 14:30.

In the Sky Doc he says they waved at her from 50 yds away. Hardly an introduction.

I think the opposite. Things are explained better. Much more detail.

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A common rental at the time.

He had told one other households about the murder at around 11 o’clock that morning, and had said something about it to someone else in Schull.

No he was told by Eddie Cassidy by phone at 1.40pm. He got there at 2.20 pm after watching news at 2pm. He said he stopped at post office along the way where he ran into Shirley Foster who told him it was a french woman. Shirley Foster refuted this claim and says the only time she spoke to Ian Bailey that day was when he was driving up the road towards the scene and spoke out the window to her as he was passing her.

So he was at scene after it was known by other journalists?

So we’ve an unusual car or least not a local car spotted near the scene and potentially Sophie in this car a few days before hand.

We’ve a guy saying 100 percent he saw Sophie in a blue car.

People are happy to dismiss this but also hold up the neighbours claim he’s 90 percent sure he introduced Bailey to Sophie as evidence.

A red number plate? They went out the door in the mid 80s

Yep. As @johnnysachs says Bailey said he was contacted by some journalist in Dublin about the murder and could he go up to the scene to find out about it. Bailey said after he got that call he watched the news to see if there was anything on it about the murder and then headed up to the scene.

Eddie Cassidy who worked with examiner just heard there was a foreign national found dead somewhere in Schull and conveyed this to Bailey. The RTE news were very vague on any detail. You’d really have to know the area well to know just how improbable Baileys version of events were and that he knew exactly where to go in Toormore. Its not exactly the easiest of places to find or drive on a whim. There were many foreign nationals in the area. Why even pick this one or what lead him to deducing this was the place to go? You’d have to believe he watched the news, got Jules Thomas to accompany him, get camera, stop off in post office and drive to the exact location in 10-15 minutes because he is some kind of clairvoyant.


Very different to what flatly said.

For the latest news you’d turn on the radio. I don’t remember 2pm news on the TV.

Remember he was an investigative journalist and he done work for her neighbour.

He knew a French girl lived in that house. Any decent investigative journalist would have done the same.