The Ian Bailey is dead thread

She wasn’t short of a few pound

Because he’s innocent.

He can’t really leave Ireland I’d say? I’d also say he doesn’t mind the attention

He appears to live flamboyantly in the area.

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I don’t mean Ireland, I mean the area around Schull. It can’t be easy living there whether innocent or not and everyone looking and pointing the finger and now with the Netflix and Sky documentaries you are going to get the dark tourists visiting to see where Sophie was killed and maybe get a picture of Bailey.

He’s an attention seeker

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Don’t forget bailey told the gardai he was in bed all night, until jules thingy said he’d been gone in the middle of the night when she woke up. He then changed his story.
He was awful unlucky, having insomnia sufficient to walk down the road to his studio at midnight and stay there til the morning working, getting gouged by a Christmas tree and assaulted by a turkey all in the same 24 hours, the exact 24 hours the poor woman living a couple of km up the road in an extremely isolated barren part of West cork was beaten to death with a brick.


Yeah looks that way, made the mistake of putting myself into his shoes and thinking I would move out of the area as soon as possible.

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It’s interesting her outdoor boots were on.

One presumes if she was fleeing somebody in the house she wouldn’t have the presence of mind to stop and stick on a pair of out door boots. She would just have ran for her life. She also tore off in a random direction too outside towards nowhere so she clearly wasn’t thinking which is understandable of course.

I’d also guess at 12 o clock at night a French woman in the middle of the winter wouldn’t answer her door unless she had some idea who was there or half expecting somebody.

The fact she’d her boots on tells me she went outside maybe the clear a lad off who’d been to the house a couple of times.

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Or because she’d caught sight of a peeping tom. A peeping tom who’s psyche really wouldn’t handle being labelled as such in the locality.

so are we ruling out carkies then?

I was in bed with my partner all night guv’nor. Oh wait I forgot, I got up at 2am and went to my other house down the road and returned at 9am with scratches on my head and hands from a turkey. What’s the problem guv?


Could Bailey have offered her a load of money from the libel case if she changed her story?

He thinks its going to be plain sailing and he’s in for a huge pay out only the whole thing back fired on him, and on the Garda in fairness.

I think if it happened now the DPP would probably send it to trial. Joe O’Reilly and Graham Dwyer have both been convicted on circumstantial evidence.

It stretches credulity beyond belief him telling, what 4 people at least, that he did it but explained it away as ‘black humour’. All people who had no reason to lie also. The little story the English fella tells where Bailey supposedly says

‘You saw her in Spar the day before and saw her tight arse and thought you’d give her one but you scared her and went too far and bashed her brains in’

That’s incredible. I find it hard to believe the baldy English lad just made that story up to tell Gardai to stich Bailey up.


Exactly Bailey projected exactly what happened to that bystander. She went into Spar to get bread, Bailey saw her in town running a few errands. She was playing on his mind all day. Clearly when they drove home from pub later that night he pulled over to see across huntsmans bay if there was any noticeable activity on in her house. 2 or 3 hours later he did exactly what he described to that bystander.

Whats a twicer?

in this case, you are


Is that an attempt at humour @artfoley?

I’d love to know how he’s making a living. He seems to have a very comfortable lifestyle down there living in a nice house with nice gardens and surrounded by wine bottles. In the meantime he owes millions for his lost libel case while his only obvious source of income is selling eggs and poems at the market, but I never saw anyone approach him at the market, he looked quite the lonely pariah. I suppose Jules owns the house and land but still he needs money to live a certain lifestyle.

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An interview will have to be done with this man immediately


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