The Ian Bailey is dead thread

good morning moaning GIF

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Another of Cark’s finest :joy:

“Goway home will ye”


Just watched the first 2 episodes on Netflix.

Is Detective Dwyer a parody or what’s the story?

He’s real. His greatest success to date was the case of the Bull McCabe Vs the tinker’s Donkey.


Was that the same guy that banged of garlic and left a roadside pile of legless frogs and snail shells ? ……

She’d rented a car in Cork.

He’s the local twicer for god sake, they can’t leave him go anywhere

He makes the weirdos in west cork look slightly normal. They need him.

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I wouldn’t say flamboyant is the right word, perhaps a thespian. His whole life is a performance, and even more-so now.

I like to know where he lives now since she gave him the boot. She owns the house and studio, so presumably he had to go.

This video is very good, I’ve been watching these guys over lockdown and was happy to see they did a show on Ian Bailey.

I found the recent series on Sky & Netflix very interesting and have looked into the case a lot since watching them. The Gardai made a balls of the whole case but may have been onto something after all.

The analysis of what Bailey says in his RTE interview is pretty damning.


You’ll have to sum that one up for us.
I couldn’t listen to all that American drivel.

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Her brother was on radio one this morning. Never realised her family withdrew from the Sheridan doc as they said it was all about Baileys side of things

Ian Bailey bashed her brains in with a rock. End.

Who’s family?


I’d say Ian Bailey has never turned down a request for an interview. He was on Tipp FM yesterday

Bailey tried to get his part cut out of the Netflix one as well but they told him to fuck off


But they were all in it right up to the end.

Not anymore

Watched it last night.