The Ian Bailey is dead thread

More than one excuse is a lie

No, just a bit of occult stuff etc.


But he did batter the shit out of his partner and pulled clumps of hair out of her head leaving her with brutal facial injuries and bald patches in her scalp, didnā€™t he?

Who is guilty of it then in your opinion?

The guilty man was Robert Napper.

The case was that of the murder of Rachel Nikell.

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You see Ian, this is the type of weird stuff that doesnā€™t help you to be honest.

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Youā€™ll have to elaborate on that one now that the dust has settled in Wembley.


In 1992, Rachel Nikell was murdererd.

Colinn Stagg, the only police suspect, was tried and convicted in the ā€œcourt of public opinionā€, despite the case being thrown out.

After many years of continual persecution he was totally cleared when DNA evidence was extracted from a tiny piece of organic matter found on Rachelā€™s clothing.

The DNA sample matched that of Robert Napper, who was already in prison for rape and murder. Further evidence of his presence at the crime scen was then discovered, he was interviewed and, ultimately, admitted his guilt.

Stagg was awarded Ā£700k compensation.

So can you place Napper in West Cork at that time?
Why didnā€™t he rape her as heā€™s a notorious rapist?
Why didnā€™t he stab her as thatā€™s his preferred weapon?

He was already in a UK prison at the time of the west Cork murder.

I think the point is missed here.

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I got your point that some other guy was incorrectly blamed for a crime in the UK which has some similarities to this murder.

It later turned out he was innocent.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to happen here because nobody will ever be charged at this stage.


But thereā€™s more to it than that.

It illustrates that on circumstantial evidence alone, it is dangerous to concentrate all investigative efforts on one suspect, to the exclusion of all others. That a desire to convict, or a mistaken belief that ā€œthis is the manā€ can drive police to act in ways that are unacceptable and counter productive.

That selective leaking of information by the police, aided by the media can create a public narrative which is at odds with the truth.

That, but for the wisdom of the upper tier of the judiciary an innocent man may have been convicted. And, vice versa, a guilty man stay free.

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But there never was another credible suspect, the focus is on who itā€™s on for a number of reasons. I donā€™t think thereā€™s another person who has got away scot-free because they were never investigated.

ā€œSophie Toscan du Plantier murder inquiry: Blood-stained gate was not ā€˜lostā€™, gardaĆ­ reveal - Independent.ieā€ Sophie Toscan du Plantier murder inquiry: Blood-stained gate wasĀ not ā€˜lostā€™, gardaĆ­ reveal -

Looks like the gate didnā€™t go missing from evidence but was destroyed.

I wonder why they destroyed it?

Cause twas a big gate taking up space


I didnā€™t watch the Jim Sheridan documentary but was there any interview with the couple who were drinking with Bailey when he started crying and roaring and confessed on new years eve