The Ian Bailey is dead thread

What is Sinead Oā€™Connor like?

Iā€™d say sheā€™s a great lay

Thatā€™s a spot.

What language is that fella speaking?

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Thereā€™s a lot of criticism of Sheridan on this thread and especially his attitude towards Baileyā€¦I believe he was leading Bailey into a false sense of security, and making Bailey think he was actually on his sideā€¦the truth is in my opinion that when the Paris trial was going on, thatā€™s when Sheridan turned on Bailey and grilled him intensely!..

Bailey looked visibly shocked in the phone call exchange and was even muttering profanities at Sheridan under his breath which you can clearly see in the documentaryā€¦ from friend to foe, and then the trail atmosphere with itā€™s marble pillar surroundings seemed to cement Sheridans belief in Baileys guiltā€¦ He may not admit it (and canā€™t as the docu maker) but he certainly must believe Bailey is 99.9% guiltyā€¦
Sheridan should make an actual Movie on the case and shoot it in Franceā€¦then they could probably use peoples real names and make it factual, as he is convicted in France for the murder so it should be legal to do soā€¦
Then the pressure I the Irish legal system over this would increaseā€¦
letā€™s hope someone makes the movie, because it may be shocking and emotional to watch but it will wake up the world to convict him and stop this charade heā€™s made of it all, heā€™s acted absolutely guilty for 25 years with his phycopathic narcissismā€¦ heā€™s basically terrorised and tormented a community for 25 years along with the murder, ruined a lot of lives so he has.

He hasnā€™t slept in days there 100%

What do you think his motivation could have been? Did he pursue her and she might have gone along with it for a while and then rejected him? Serious hatred involved anyway whoever did it.

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What an absolute dickhead of a young fella, if I was his dad Iā€™d slap some decency into him


I thought the same.

Sofie du plantiers son was on the late late last night saying his mother has almost become a fictional character from all the storyā€™s and documentaries meanwhile Ian Bailey has become some sort of ghoulish celeb from it all.
My daughter was telling me there is a sort of game with these young folk to see if they can a Snapchat video or pic with Bailey. Itā€™s all very depressing tbh

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Yea I think he was obsessed with celebrity, and he must have researched her and found out she was connected to big thingsā€¦that excited him and he kept an eye on when she might be at the cottageā€¦by going up to that area in Schull where you can see if the house was occupied or notā€¦the same place as he went the night she was murderedā€¦
I donā€™t think he interacted with her much before hand but he was definitely planning to, as her friend remembers Sophie said that a man rang her office in France wanting to set up a meeting in Schull to discuss cultural issues and he was a journalist and poetā€¦he probably used to see her with other people in Schull on her visits but when he noticed she was on her own on her final visit, then he was going for it!..
he knew she was alone and he was going up to that house one way or another, he probably stalked her outside that house and was so drunk that he knocked the door or something and made her come outsideā€¦

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Leave these kind of forensic investigations to me pal.


The same could apply to anyone else.

Was there something about a French man travelling over on the 23rd and coming back on the 24th of December that was never followed up on? Heard someone saying it was in a podcast.

Lads, the husband hired a French hitman to follow her over and do her in. His behaviour in the aftermath was very strange, didnā€™t bother to travel to Ireland, remarried a year later. They were having marriage difficulties, there were extra marital affairs on both sides.

The Bailey line of enquiry was a complete red herring and completely fucked the whole investigation

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I agree. Where better to kill her than Ireland.

A professional European hitman who chillingly executed her by chasing her down a boggy road in the pitch dark, and into a bramble patch before hopping a concrete block off her.
I sincerely doubt it.

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He need not have been a very good hitman.

Something went wrong. Perhaps when he went up there she was already up (she was booked on a 6:30am flight I think? The recently ingested meal of fruit and nuts and the bread in the process of being cut?), and she spotted him outside and went out to enquire what he was doing and things went south fairly quickly

I suspect she spotted someone outside alright.