The Ian Bailey is dead thread

When are ya goina do these forensic investigations pal

If it was a hitman, she would have been forced into and killed inside the house and thus giving him almost unlimited time to get away… ya don’t leave a body on the side of the road and twart your getaway…it was uncalculated and local and Ian Bailey…it all adds up for God’s sake…we all have a habit of overcomplicating it…look to the first instinct and it’s usually right, and I think in this case it definitely is!..

Except there’s as much evidence that it was a French hitman who did a botched job as it was Ian Bailey

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Playing devil’s advocate, but in fairness what better way for a hitman to obscure his work than to make it look like a crime of passion / amateur sort of thing. If one bullet was popped in her head cleanly sure wouldn’t they have the wealthy husband from her rocky marriage as suspect no. 1 right away. Go over and make it look like a local did it in haste.


If the husband went as far as hiring a hitman to kill Sofie then the marriage would’ve had to have been in a fairly bad way, surely someone in her family or close friends would’ve suspected him if that was the case and afaik not one of them has been overly critical of him.
They’re fairly adamant that Bailey was the murderer!!

Money kid, it was all about the cash. The husband was loaded.
Bailey wasn’t smart enough to do it. He wasn’t even smart enough to do it and make a balls of it.

He looks so festive that Xmas morning…he could definitely pass for Santa folks couldn’t he?!.. with his little camera that he photographed Sophies battered body with… the sick phycopathic journalist narcissist murderer…you see that’s why he did it,…Story in Nowhere land!!!.. Story Story Story!.. that’s how sick he is… it’s all about the story and he taught he could deflect himself from being the suspect but ultimately he is the Suspect and Killer no doubt…it’s a chess board to him but he’s lost his pieces and check mate is coming rapidly now!!..

You should change your user name because theres no logic to that post whatsoever


OK mate. I think you need to get out for a walk now.

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Thanks, I will

A hitman in that case would have made it look like suicide.
I’m certain the gardai by now are pretty well briefed on who entered and left the airports around the time.


He wasn’t particularly wealthy.

Way too shoddy to be a hit man…

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That’s exactly what a pro hitman would want you to think.

Not a single piece of DNA left behind. Not a single piece of physical evidence left at the scene.

Granted, it was 28 hours before forensics examined the scene. Fuck up Central.

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Wasn’t there Blood found on the body which wasn’t Baileys? Or at least at the scene.

Fair points but a hit man takes a bit of pride in his work. A concrete block 3/4 times on the head? Not sure that’s up to scratch. It’s just not cricket.

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Not really no. It was such a clusterfcuk from the start that nobody would know whether there was any DNA evidence or not.

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Was there blood on the gate that went missing?

I’m not questioning the husbands motive , what I’m saying is surely if he was capable of that then sofie would’ve known from being married to him and living with him and surely would’ve told close friends and family what he was like