The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The video was never studied properlyā€¦

Other than assaulting Jules does he have any other history of violence towards women? Has his history in England been explored fully? Maybe he fled some event in England, west Cork would be a good refuge given the amount of weirdos there.

I tried looking all that upā€¦heā€™s always been on edge but it took West cork to make him reach his narrsissistic tipping pointā€¦heā€™s a pure self centered evil beastā€¦and he loves itā€¦ question is how do we stop him as a nationā€¦I canā€™t even understand how heā€™s allowed to stay in our country,heā€™s a feckin British citizen so how the fuck can he have the power to hold us to ransomā€¦go to the country you were born inā€¦why should our laws protect himā€¦heā€™s taking the loss, dirty murdering multiple life wrecking prick!!!

But if he is a psychopath why didnā€™t he kill again? If he couldnā€™t do it in Ireland due to scrutiny surely he would gone elsewhere. Or is he reveling in the notoriety of the perfect crime?


Theroux typically spends a week with his subject
Canā€™t see bailey staying sober that length of time


Your YouTube channel is shit mate


You seem particularly animated, not to say driven to a high level of seethe, by Mr Bailey. Would you have some personal interest in this case?

He looks fairly shook in that video of the upcoming Virgin interview. I guess a couple decades on the serious gargle will do that.

At least I have an opinion mate, and Iā€™m not here to jump on bandwagons like youā€¦we can all do that canā€™t weā€¦

Would you?..

If you ask meā€¦ thereā€™s a lot of people on this waiting for you to say something off the beaten path a bit, then they pounce and insult what youā€™re trying to say!.. thatā€™s their pleasure and they couldnā€™t give a shit about the case, theyā€™re just happy to put down what youā€™re saying and get their exhilaration by being politically correct about the case, they couldnā€™t give a shit about justice and the pain of people!!..

Go to bed Ian.

If you think Iā€™m bailey then youā€™re a fool

Thereā€™s a lot of Bailey type characters on thisā€¦if you catch my driftā€¦but donā€™t confuse insight with ā€œBaileyā€

This reads like the ramblings of a drunk man Ian, get some sleep

Would you like a poem?.


Go f**k yourself for thinking Iā€™m bailey lolā€¦ youā€™re no detective if you think that!..

No bother Ian, I never claimed to be one. Iā€™m sure youā€™re used to dealing with them