The Ian Bailey is dead thread

If you have an ā€œopinionā€ on this youā€™re fuckin assumed to be baileyā€¦lol so funny

IL tell ya what folks if you think Iā€™m baileyā€¦ wait for the cunt to be selling his pizza or whatever shit he has (that would make me vomit if I ate it knowing heā€™s a murderer) and IL post as heā€™s being observed so you know itā€™s not the cunt himself,or any suggestions to prove Iā€™m not him would be much obliged, thanks

This post has created more questions than answers for me and Iā€™m dunk as shit right now, yet Iā€™m the most sober person in this conversation by a mile. Iā€™ll talk to you tomorrow Ian and we can hash this out properly

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Iā€™m sure he is, you should ask him personally I thinkā€¦

Of course Pasqualeā€¦you know where I am donā€™t you?.. unless Iā€™m not Ian at all, which I never claimed to beā€¦ Iā€™m not even drinking if you must know, it must be exalarating for you to think youā€™re conversing with Ian Bailey, but youā€™re not

I am currently masturbating to the thought of communicating with the world renowned Ian Bailey

You sound a lot more like him than me to be honest

Getting closer

The hunter has become the hunted Pasqualeā€¦ see what drink can do to your credibility lol

I havenā€™t been hunting anything bud, thatā€™s very aggressive vernacular

You should apply as ā€œthe riddlerā€ in batmanā€¦ youā€™d make millions Pasquale!!..

I heard you did it Pasquale

West Cork is an odd place

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It certainly appears to be - besides itā€™s beauty. I wonder is it the beauty of the place drives its inhabitants insane? This guy @Logically would seem to be from about there and appears as mad as a box of frogs. Though it seems in his case itā€™s Mr Bailey who has driven him over the edge.


My missus is away with pals for the weekend, live spot sent to me just now :anguished:


Glengarriff. Thatā€™s where he has been for last 2 months. Heā€™s there in that spot every day.

Was down there meself a few weeks back. Herself popped into that restaurant to use the facilities and said she spotted him in there. Must be living in the place.

Has he been ousted from Schull?

Himself and Jules have split up. I think heā€™s friendly with the fellow who owns that place

Iā€™m in Glengarriff for a few days will try to get a spot for the forum