The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Tell @Logically hello please


Sit outside that Perrin Inn place and itā€™s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Walked past it yesterday; special of the day vegetable soup and roast beef. I wouldnā€™t have Ian marked as a roaster

Heā€™s on VM1 tonight around 9pm plĆ”masing Colette Fitzpatrick about the campaign against him.
What we need now is somebody with expertise in facial expression or giveaway eye tics.
We have expertise in most matters here to Iā€™m expecting a definitive call on this later on.


Reminder, this just started on TV3/Virgin

He sounds innocent here

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Very measured and believable so far.

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There is no evidence whatsoever that he ever met her or spoke to her, the best they got so far is a slight difference in how he describes maybe seeing her in two interviews almost 10 years apart.

Colette isnā€™t able for this.

Collette looking well.

This lady interviewing is out of her depth.

Iā€™d be able for Coletteā€¦ā€¦.


Too much for one night on the tele

2nd part of the Fr Niall Molloy documentary on rte 1 shortly

Not laid a glove on him so far

If you had the IPTV the time delay is about an hour - be grand.

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Heā€™s convinced princess Diana flirted with himšŸ˜‚ Collette had him under pressure over retweeting womenā€™s Twitter pics.

I actually think sheā€™s just letting him strip himself - saying he has no problem with alcohol, saying that he accidentally shares naked pictures that women send him on twitter.

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She wants him to take a lie detector test now ffs :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

He reckons the culprit is from Bandon. Sounded like something heā€™d plucked from thin air.

Just because heā€™s an alcoholic nut job with a history of beating women doesnā€™t mean he killed SDP in an alcohol fuelled rage at 3 in the morning. Nope, but despite all the various investigations thereā€™s been a shortage of other credible candidates.