The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The scratches from the turkey and Christmas tree are very suspicious.

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Would he be getting a few Bob for these documentaries / interviews

And any substantial evidence to even charge him. And this weak, hour long effort to rake the coals of evidence was brushed away at ease

Someone on Twitter says he wasn’t getting paid for this interview. Not sure about the documentaries. Maybe Jim Sheridan had to buy 10k of poetry off him.

Where would he get his money from in general? Presume nobody would employ him.

If he didn’t, who did? Neither documentary put forward a properly credible candy

I know of a plumber who did work for him. He had no money so gave him a painting as payment

He’s on Jobseekers Allowance. The openings for turkey pluckers are scarce enough this time of year.



Sorry lads.

Flicked on the documentary on the killing of Father Niall Molloy after the Bailey interview. That’s some police force that Paddy has.

There was a lot of strange word use from Bailey in Monday’s interview…and it’s damning to say the least, lies lies and more lies coming out of his mouth…when he was asked "did he see her?..he said…"I never saw her…and in a previous interview he said…"I saw her…there’s loads of him contradicting himself in the interview… anyway another strange part from the Christmas swim video is the fact that Bailey constantly hides his hands as much as possible, but you can see the back of them for a split second, which I managed to freeze frame and see a shocking red raw hand on screen…he also hides the alleged turkey scratch on his forehead…by wearing his hat so low on his head and making sure to cover the scratch…why would he feel like he should have to hide anything…he also said on Mondays interview that "they were light scratches on his hands…well the part I freeze framed (and there’s a link to the video of it on one of my previous posts here) shows a severe raw red hand,IL put the link up directly after this post so you can see for yourselves what I’m talking about…


Lay off the drink mate.

What the fucking fuck is that. The most shit piece of ‘evidence’ I have ever seen. You are one weird bastard. And we have lots of experience of them.

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Bailey and Thomas both have a haunted look about them these days like people who have carried a guilty secret around for far too long.

Or both look like they’ve spent their life drinking far too much too often


Drinking to block out what though?

I’ll go out on a limb here and guess “murder accusations”

They were hard drinkers/borderline alcoholics long before STDP was killed in West Cork. But even so, being accused of murder without any proof and having your life completely destroyed would tend to tip one even further towards the bottle

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You’re an ignorant prick calling me a weird bastard