The Ian Bailey is dead thread

“we have lots of experience with them”…
Who’s “we” are you part of a team here is it?

Simmer down Ian

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We as a forum. We tolerate and indeed embrace weirdos. The Cark lads would circle the wagons for anyone sure. But you do seem like a weirdo. And really really badly named. Anyway, welcome aboard. Feel free to post about other issues and not just late at night when the cloak drops…

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These lads can’t handle the truth

Spit it out ta fuck…

Well I’m fairly busy during the day and can’t really get a chance to post anything in those hours, but I will try in future juhniallio, I might be a weirdo but I don’t see how you can call me a bastard, and then claim to be a pioneer of this forum…
I don’t see how I’m doing any harm to anyone and I’m not trying to insult anyone unless I’m being insulted to a high level, I only want to know what happened and justice done and that’s what I taught this thread was about, yea I’m putting up controversial stuff here but it’s only to try and find something, I don’t know just ban me if yez want because I really don’t give a shit


Well he called me a bastard batigol, what would you say to someone who called you that, simmer down would ya?

He has rattled a few cages.

A few lads seem a bit unnerved


Ok. You seem to have taken the bastard thing very hard. I’d imagine most lads would let that wash over them. It’s hardly the worst thing you’d ever be called. It’s almost a term of endearment round here sure. ‘You’re some bastard…’ Would be collegiate enough throughout Ireland I’d say. It’s when lads start nominating you for cunt of the year that you need to prick the ears up.

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Ever been nominated yourself?


Ok bud, I like the response

Leave the lad be Juhy, ya cunt

You’ll have to do a lot better if you want to get banned.

What would julnillio have to do to get banned?..
I wonder how many accounts bailey really has on this?..

No sign of him in Glengarriff yesterday. He must still be up in the big schmoke after his interview.

What did you do with the black overcoat pal?

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Juhy would probably have to commit a murder, an e-murder obviously.

I’m wearing it right now, so comfy…

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I’m selling it actually, do ya want it?

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There’s swarms of vultures on this lads waitin to pick at anything you say, just don’t go off the beaten path and they’ll love ya :wink: