The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The man is a head de ball but I doubt he killed your wan.

Who, @Logically?

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I’m struggling to join the clues here. There was a wine bottle found in a field…
You might as well have found an empty snackbox.
You’re expending a lot of effort trying to galvanise the TFK sleuthing team by firing out the odd speculative opinion. We’re engaged with the housing and fuel crises here currently so to enable us prioritise your cause you’ll need an exposë along the lines of admitting that you are in fact either Bailey or Jules Thomas.
Thank you for your interest. We’ll be in touch with you again in the near future.


They both look haunted and guilty… of something.

Why not, do you think? We know he violently assaulted his own partner on a number of occasions. You can talk about Garda incompetence and lack of DNA evidence all you like but certain things about this case seem clear to me. Bailey knew Sophie. He was attempting to seduce her. She rejected his advances and, in a drunken rage, he battered her to death. There is scant evidence to suggest any other possible scenario and no one other suspect has emerged in twenty five years. Bailey got lucky. Jules Thomas knows the truth. Maybe she will tell all some day.

Update on list of suspects in order of likelihood:

  1. @Logically
  2. @Myrrve
  3. @IanBailey
  4. That weirdo creep mbb
  5. Frenchman with beret and necklace of onions spotted by Marie Farrell

I’ve re-read the thread title - signing out. Jules Thomas holds the key to the truth here.

Well that’s that. You’ve put forward some solid facts and evidence there. Fantastic work and well done.

That’s mostly speculation.

What do we know about this deceased Garda who had a violent history living in the area?

What’s your evidence of this?

No need to get all technical for a while. Further conjecture and idle speculation might, just might unearth something. @glenshane hasn’t had a chance to give his views on the whole issue of the briars and their part in all this. His considered opinion and vast experience with thorny matters, will, I feel, be pivotal to the investigation.


Funnily enough I had a major breakthrough in the weeding department. Last spring I planted a bit of a mixed hedge. On the advice of an expert I threw down woodchip, with the aim of keeping down weeds etc…a waste of time and I confess that I let it go a bit. I had a major brainwave however. This involved throwing seed among the weeds and leaving the work to the new chickens. They’re doing an absolutely lovely job.


Tremendously creative thinking, you’re getting on top of thorny issues. Are you OK for turf?
With the way things are developing you could be headed for choppy waters and I wouldn’t see you stuck.

After watching both the Netflix & Sky docs, the only thing I can conclude for definite is ; thank God I’m not from Cork.


@Logically what happened Trevor Deeley

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I’ve listened to the west cork podcast in the last few days and a thought occurred to me, Ian Bailey was the only journalist living down around that area as he was the go to guy for most of the newspapers etc… and by all accounts he was a very good crime journalist back in the Uk in his previous life.
I’m thinking with all the goings on down around that area , stories of drug importation, corrupt gardai ,affairs , cover ups etc and finally a very strange high profile murder, who’d be the last person you’d want sniffing around,
I think Bailey was possibly digging too deep so they’ve concocted a murder charge to silence him.
The story the guard telling Bailey that even if they can’t pin the murder charge on him he was finished in Ireland, says it all really, they wanted him to go away.
I really don’t think he did it.

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You’ve been watching too much True Detective.

He’d have sung like a Canary if he had any reason for the Gardai to frame him.

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Apologies, I should have said they’d be afraid that he would dig to deep over the following months and years seeing as he was living in the area as opposed to reporters coming in for a few days to cover the story and then gone again. Apparently that area around west cork was a hive for huge drug hauls at the time.