The Ian Bailey is dead thread

If that’s all you’re going to contribute then better to say nowt!!

@Logically, you’re not his new girlfriend by any chance, are you?

Ah stop, it gets better. This is her, Amanda Teague who legally married the ghost of a 300-year-old pirate.



By God.


No matter what he’s done, that’s harsh punishment.

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This is definitely worth a read, just for a laugh.

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She may meet her husband presently.


Did you not read the whole story. The marriage is over.

Initially the pair were completely in love - but Ms Large claims the ghost eventually drew all her energy and made her seriously ill, and forced her to realise it was over.

Doesn’t sound like she’s legally divorced mate.

Dunno, still makes Bailey an adulterer. He’s gone down in my estimation as a man.


be a bitch to serve the divorce papers on a ghost and prove service

He’s about to turn himself you’d think

Jesus, she’s aged badly. Wasn’t bad in her day

Only watched that Netflix show last night. After half hour I decided husband arranged it, Bailey is a weirdo and creep but I’d still go with the husband theory

Apparently they read out some of Baileys poetry in court and he was asked to comment on it or something.

He replied “I don’t recall writing that and I presumed when I heard it Joyce had written it” :cowboy_hat_face:


Paraic Joyce possibly.


Don’t mean to burst your bubble but he said the poetry sounds like something that was written by Dylan Thomas

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Are they shacking up together? I would advise her to sleep with one eye open. Touch of the house devil has ol’ Ian.

House devil, holding a concrete block down country lane angel

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Rumours abound about Old Ian’s love life. Looks like it might not be yer one above. The new girl seems to be an Ethna Staunton. This Cork website can’t be wrong, God love her.