The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Weren’t Jules children all home for Christmas though? Sophie was on her own and more vulnerable at that time.

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That’s quite possible . I accept fully that the guards made an absolute balls of it. But from what I can figure out, the only time Bailey was sober was when he was asleep. If anything he was the perfect candidate for a stitch up

They messed up the crime scene. Harbison was on the lash for Christmas and took a while to come down. I think the crime scene had been destroyed before forensics got down too. As usual the guards didn’t care about guilt/innocence, they just wanted a conviction. Bailey was who they targeted. Sad state of affairs when people think he’s innocent cos the Gardai think he did it. That arrogant twat on the Netflix documentary would have you understanding that stance.


Wasn’t it because they put a lot of stock in the statement of Marie Farrell who said she saw him in the vicinity the night of the murder.
Marie Farrell is the only one to put herself in the area of the Sophie’s murder scene.

Thanks. Some lads just dont get these things…

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I forget that bit of it but I’d say it’s a toss up to decide who told more lies, her or the Gardai.

It’s pretty much on record the Garda intimidated her to change her story.

Is that correct?
I thought this was something she said herself years later?

Gardai didn’t care who did it. They wanted a conviction. If it was easier to convict an innocent man then that’s who’d they’d target. Still doesn’t mean Bailey didn’t do it.

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Wasn’t she having “relations” with one of the guards?

I think he enjoyed the notoriety

He reckoned there was money in it if he kept himself in the limelight.

Maybe the gardai found the gate they lost?

Brown bread

Looking forward variously to the social media posts that allege i) he died due to the Covid vaccine and ii) that he was murdered.

Please don’t disappoint, @glenshane and @artfoley.

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Well that’s that then

Curiouser and curiouser

It’s ok the spill the beans on his guilt now.