The Ian Bailey is dead thread

So they didn’t even look for any forensics or any help for 24 hours while they were off drinking or something. Just went off and left her there. Shocking stuff

You can believe he did it AND that the guards ballsed it up at the same time


Christmas time. Harbisin was allegedly fond of a sup and was enjoying festivities so much he didn’t make it down in a timely manner.

Forensics got down as quick as they could but the Guards had let every sort of cunt walk through so the scene wasn’t protected properly.


That can’t be true, according to Foley the guards purposely fucked it up to cover up the murder. Did they spike harbisons drink? We’re through the looking glass here

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If the gate does not fit, you must acquit.


I see you’re an admirer of Bailey’s poetry too.

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Don’t be confusing Foley with statements like that.

I expect to to a similar one for George Hook some day

What’s this now?

He didn’t live that close to her. Id say a well trained hitman could easily make it look like a scene of passionate love type murder.

The woman who knew him best, and who suffered at his hands, is adamant Bailey had nothing to do with the murder. That’s good enough for me.

Bailey thrived on attention. In a perverted way, he seemed to get a kick out of being a suspect. Some of the things he came out and said were downright bizarre. Therein again we have the attention seeking element. But there never enough concrete evidence to link him to Sophie’s killing. I only ever thought he was innocent.

I don’t know where I stand on it, but her life is so wrapped up in saying he is innocent that I would place no stock in what she says.

Even if she believes he is innocent it means nothing. We can convince ourselves of anything if it suits us


Frank Buttimer is flat to the mat this morning.

Newstalk and RTE back to back.

A stout defence of him on both. A very flawed individual but not a murderer he says

Few points to add there to @johnnysachs guilty column

@theLimericks and Kyle Hayes


Post of the year!

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and john kiely

My take on it is a well trained hit man wouldn’t use a concrete block, and if such a thing as a well trained hitman exists, he or she would have made it look accidental or suicide. Dunno who did it, though the deep scratches, and the absolutely fairytale story of killing three turkeys and a Christmas tree would make me apply Occam’s razor. It’s a really really sad story the poor woman.

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