The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Where did the hitman theory originate from? Was it the guards themselves or was it floated by the French?

That was from Bailey

Sure his editor said their was some article due that morning of when Sophie was found in a recent interview and he spoke to him the previous day and Bailey said he hadnā€™t it started but he submitted it that morning.

Thereā€™s a load of inaccuracies in that article.

And that was given oxygen?

Sure heaven knows who done the checking? The same guards who made a complete Cluster fuck of pretty much every other aspect of the case?

I know nothing about trained hit men but presumably they donā€™t leave a trail and they donā€™t make it look professional either otherwise there wouldnā€™t be a whole pile of suspects.

If it was a frenzied murder they got incredibly lucky because they didnā€™t leave much of a trail which just seems highly unlikely if it was a drunk Ian Bailey.

Herself and the husband were having affairs at the time. Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s where the theory came from.

What absolute nonsense


Youā€™ve made about 15 points in this case that been totally and utterly dismissed by everyone. Your reading stuff on twitter and presenting it facts.

Pretty sure it was Bailey when he was writing in the Tribune, reporting on the caseā€¦ He said something about the origin of the murder being in France

Ah sure a logical conclusion to jump too.
A hitman wandering around the back arse of west cork because a married couple were having flings on each other
Lucky for the hitman that after doing such a heavy handed job there just happened to be a few complete weirdos like Farrel and Bailey to get themselves caught up into an investigation.


This theory has been going on a lot longer than this.

As an example independent pathologists who examined the evidence disagreed with harbisons reports on some of the cuts on the body were made by a brick but he believed they done with a knife. Most likely a small kitchen knife.

Iā€™d look at every possibly.

But the notion a trained hit man but make it look like a professional job doesnā€™t add up.

If he did it would rule so many suspects.

That is my point.

I was just wondering where the idea of a hitman came from first day.
For what was going on between the couple it seems like a stretch.
Iā€™d imagine the French were well able to conduct an investigation into the husband.

The photos the guards came up with of the house are crazy. They were moving things around inside the house.

My hunch was always it was someone that knew her. Possibly from cork city with some contact to either politicians or the guards. It almost looks like the guards intentionally fucked up and then immediately started blaming Ian Bailey.

The contract for hire was obviously paid by the number of injuries he could inflict on her. Over 60 in total. I am no expert on hitmen but Iā€™d say theyā€™d like to carry out their business quickly and efficiently and dont really worry about style points. Baileys modus operandi in terms of attacking women was consistent. He ripped out bits of Jules Thomas scalp when he hospitalised her and there were tufts of STDP hair ripped out when she was murdered.


The guards also instructed to leave the body at the crime scene despite the experts telling them to move it presumably to cork hospital to carry out an examination.

This stinks of somebody being protected.

Gemma O Doherty says hi.

Are you now trying to suggest now the guards didnā€™t bundle the whole thing up ?

They drew pictures of these mysterious cuts on Baileys hands. No photosā€¦.

Where did I say that?

Jayses was that before,during or after she lost her marbles?