The Ian Bailey is dead thread

It may come as a surprise or you might be shocked to know that in the mid 90s people didnt go around with high resolution Iphones with super retina technology. To capture a photo would take a bit of planning. Did they even have a camera in the local station…
They were obviously ill prepared and not up to the standards of what people have come to expect of forensic pathology via the likes of CSI Miami. Communication wasnt easy or seemless either. One malfunctioning public telephone box that was vandalised.

For this supposed cover up to happen you’d have to believe there is some big plot involving multiple parties. Guards that confiscated the gate, other guards that didnt take photos of Bailey and drew pictures instead, guards that went against expert advice to remove body (you might provide a source for this particular one please?), Harbison, various detectives. That is just a small laundry list of protagonists you’ve mentioned in your last number of posts. By omission then there are countless others who’d also have to be in on the act of stitching up Bailey. Not least people who he admitted to killing her.

Do you really believe that scenario is credible? That this number of people managed to hide the true identity of the killer for decades by being so efficient at being incompetent and in turn sabotaging the case.


The first picturephone I had took snaps that would remind you of what a legally blind person sees

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Was suicide ever ruled out?

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Yet they took dozens of photos at scene but not of Bailey.

No you don’t. All it takes is one person in authority to mess about and possibly realise his troops are stone useless and would have no idea what to do anyway.

They poisoned the scene around the
Body before experts could arrive.

You’ll find an independent expert to dispute anything


Bailey was out there traipsing around the crime scene under the auspices of being an investigative journalist. Even had sufficient DNA evidence the ability to be harvested it would have been inadmissible anyway.


The forensic experts from the unit in Dublin are different to the guards.
They would most certainly have had a camera.
The guards who called to his house to question him informally are a different matter.

“All it takes”, “possibly” , “would” makes me think you have little confidence in your own theory. One person in authority acting as puppet master while a load of imbeciles go running around like the keystone cops doing his bidding is a stretch to put it mildly.

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I’d be astonished if it wasn’t him. He was in West Cork because he was a failure and this was one rejection too many.

No he wasn’t. He was stopped before he go too close to the crime scene.

That’s the crux of it
Once the scene was contaminated, any defense solicitor worth his salt would tear any case to shreds

Sure there was a bunch of imbeciles running around. They polluted the crime scene. Made any number of Cocks up.

Why did the guards go against the experts advice and not move the body to cork hospital for examination?

Would it be common practice to remove a body from a crime scene?

A known woman beater who boasted about killing her while drunk, knew about the murder before the press were even informed and claimed not to have known STDP, a fact that was later disproven . Why lie about it?

The burning of clothes and the scratches are the icing on the cake.

Are we supposed to believe that Detectives Spud Murphy in their Penneys suits were masters of conspiracy and engage in a cover up of a murder?


Its what Crimegemma on here would have you beieve yes.

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When it was left in the cold for nearly 30 hours it was pointless brining Harbison out there. He was another two hours making the scene and arrived in the pitch dark after getting lost on the way out to the scene.

Why did the guards ignore his instruction? Who was responsible for this call?

Big brutish Englishman of a certain generation. I’d say he didn’tlike the way she spoke to him and lost the rag with her. She probably underestimated him a bit, thought he was a bit of a joke. He showed her.


He didnt arrive in the pitch dark like you alluded to. He arrived at 2pm. Had he arrived even 4 hours earlier it may have made all the difference. Harbison was celebrating his Birthday. Probably worse for wear after a few scotch whiskeys, he was driven down by guards. He was frustrated with lack of a team around him over the years. Something Marie Cassidy alluded to in that doc on RTE. The pathology team or lack therof is another in long list of disgraces in this country. Harbisons frustration meant he had been phoning it in and being a one man band was indispensable. Marie Cassidy didnt have much positive to say about him or learned from him. Its on him that the body lay out there for that length of time. Im not sure where you saw that he instructed removal of the body. Again you might point me in the direction of that piece.
Although given how he was so obviously hungover im sure he is no different to the rest of us in not being most productive after a feed of drink and probably more interested in a snack box or curry chip.