The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Well known story among Guards about Harbison.

Your doing an awful lot of defending of the brutally incompetent guards who cocked up every aspect of the investigation while slandering a man who was celebrating his birthday on a day he’d booked off.

He’s interviewed in the west cork podcast. He clearly states he arrived in the dark. Could barely see in front of him and he nearly walked on top of the
Body himself. He said it was a total shit show altogether and he also clearly outlined how he told them to move the body to the hospital to be examined.

The same guards sketching imaginary cuts on Baileys hands ?

Nah, he’d been very difficult to deal with for years due to what is mentioned above, and that night was the tin hat on it. I don’t think he lasted a million years after it. He was in no fit state to be brought down on the night, and thats why he wasn’t.

He last only the six more years as state pathologist so exactly mid way through his stint as he started in 91 I think.

He also accepts in that interview it was a
Complete shit show at the scene and he instructed
The guards to move the body but they refused. He was
Driven by a guarda who got lost on the way to Brandon and they had to pull in some little village and rewire
A phone to make contact with Brandon guarda station.

You’d think the guards would have all sorted.

In fairness its not unusual for the french to openly have affairs so id believe that

Funny I dont recall Harbison being interviewed on that West Cork Podcast. It is well documented he arrived at 28 hrs after initial discovery at 10am. It was in the cold light of day. What you are saying is rubbish. Read Marie Cassidys book or watch the documentary for her thoughts on Harbison not mine. Removing body from the crime scene mention is complete made up rubbish as well. Your whole theory can be entirely disregarded and has its origins in complete fiction.


Its common knowledge what happened with Harbison in Garda circles. The night he was wanted, he wasn’t fit to do what was needed because he had drank too much.

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The body was left out in freezing cold for who knows how long. The scene was completely contaminated and he wasn’t going able to do anything.

What benefit was there to wasting more time in bringing him all the way out to west cork?

Your believing every little bit of gossip about the case while ignoring the overwhelming evidence of guarda incompetence.

The guards fudged where the body was found, the house and they immediately put it out that it was Ian Bailey.

It looks like a fairly straightforward case of creating a window for somebody slip away into the night and disappear.

Was he on 24/7 call. Hardly.

Would I be right in saying Bailey seemed to arrive at the scene extraordinarily quickly, almost as if he knew exactly where the crime scene was?


No it was a booked day off too for his birthday.

Jesus, you’re Paul reynoldsesque here.

Read the DPP report

Again this theory is bandied about as a fact but there is no such evidence. I believe recently it was confirmed it made the radio news which would have given Bailey plenty of time.

I thought it was why we paid these guys so much, so they wouldn’t have to resort to getting absolutely shitfaced. He should’ve had a nice cigar or a bit of caviar or something.

You are showing your youth there - Harbison was the state pathologist for all the high profile cases in the 80s sure and started the job in the mid 1970s. After the west Cork shitshow Marie Cassidy was quickly brought in, but Harbison was allowed to drift along til his retirement.


Says she replaced him in 03.

Thats correct. He wasnt even to know it was a French foreign national but out of all the foreign nationals in the area he made a blind leap of faith and arrived at the very crime scene. There was some difference of opinion between his version of events and the postmistress (when he stopped on the way ) in this particular instance as well as another lady when he was driving up the lane (may have been Alfie Lyons wife).

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Another sign of your youth, not understanding how the civil service works in Ireland. She could only take his job once he retired, but she took his work in 1998 or so.

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