The Ian Bailey is dead thread

She fairly put the boot in to Harbison in another high profile case too. Totally disagreed with his conclusions. Can’t remember the case.

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Fair I only read in belefast telegraph article he contacted her to take a role in Ireland in 98.

None of this is true of course.

I have taken you in good faith here but I hope for your sake you’re just bored and trolling. There cant be any possible way you are serious.

Because she felt she could, because everyone knew the score really.

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You are relaying opinions of locals as facts.

I don’t think the source of the inaccuracies are from that article

Whats that got to do with the price of potatoes?
I’ve read it. Am I to take the DPP report as him being innocent of any wrong doing or not enough evidence to convict him in a court of law?

The first person they look at is the partner/husband, affairs etc. He was well known and famous so had the means to hire someone to do it. All checked by the French and Irish constabularies and nothing showed up hence the conclusion that it was a local.

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Would you have much faith in the Irish authorities doing this check ?

There was a theory that she was about to divorce the husband and take him to cleaners in the divorce settlement so he decided to have her whacked

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Of course not but I’m sure the French did plenty of their own checks on the husband. The hitman angle is pie in the sky shite. If the husband wanted her dead the last place he’d have it done is there. Without going in to detail the logistics of arranging it just doesn’t make it viable.

She was killed by a blow to the head from a random concrete slab lying around ffs. There was no cover up, no kayser soze. Incompetent, slow witted guards investigating a case they had no expertise in. Local drunken women beater missing in the exact hours she’s bludgeoned to the death while having mysterious marks on his arms and face, consistent with same struggle. Real life isn’t like CSI We Have Him.


Would the hypothetical Monsieur Hitman have been a Frenchman or an Irishman or a Loyalist or what? Would he have driven a French car or rented an Irish car? Maybe he cycled to the scene of the crime? What route would he have taken if coming from France?

How would you blend in to West Cork if you were a French hitman planning a murder? Would you drive up to Stranraer and then go over to Larne and drive down rather than going by Rosslare or Dublin so as not to attract suspicion? Would you stake out the area beforehand? You’d hardly just turn up in a French car or a rented car with a road atlas and a torch in the arsehole of nowhere on a Sunday night a couple of days before Christmas?

Would Monsieur Hitman have gone home to France for Christmas? Maybe he stopped for a pint or a breakfast roll on the way home?


That lunatic GOD referenced a man called Michael o Sullivan who reported to the guards he was overtaken by a blue card he hadn’t seen before on a narrow bend very close to Sophie’s house at 7 am.

I can’t find any other reference to that Michael o Sullivan chap tbf.

Sure he couldn’t go to the UK at all for fear they might extradite him to France.

I have it on good authority that John Gilligan’s associates were involved, a massive shipment of hash was landed in the area a few days earlier

Martin o Sullivan. Is there another reference
To this because Gemma o d ?

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It is literally the arsehole of nowhere; it is actually a few miles from Schull and about a mile up a cul de sac with grass growing in the middle of the road.

Hard to believe a French assassin would have found it in 1996 without asking some local hillbilly for directions, which would have been highly unusual at the time and remembered by someone.

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