The Ian Bailey is dead thread

He’d have been a former French Foreign Legionnaire.

I’d like to know where Richard Satchwell was on the night in question.


I did a quick Google Street view of the area today ie. Cill Feada (spelling?) bridge and Crookhaven village today. I went past O’Sullivan’s pub on the quay. Then I listened to the first episode of that West Cork podcast and lo and behold they interview the man who runs O’Sullivan’s pub. I already felt I was at the heart of the action.

The house is on the lane where the black/grey dot is.


Yeah, I’d heard it was easy to find and this talk suggesting an outsider would never find it was a bit exaggerated.

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It’s easy for us to find with the benefit of modern technology; in 1996 it would have been a different story

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It’s even more in the arsehole of nowhere than I imagined.

Very odd interview on RTE News there with his former partner of 30 years. The lad not even buried and they’re pissing on his grave

Yeah, she doesn’t seem to be grieving or have much good to say about him but she doesn’t think he did it.

Shur he used her as a punch bag for years

Remote enough for a French man asking oĂș est la maison Du Plantier to be conspicuous?


You can go down the lane on Google maps far enough to get a view of the house.

As you will not be surprised to learn I have already done that.


A walk from Ian Bailey’s house to STDPs house is 55 minutes according to Google Maps by road; not beyond the realms of possibility that he could do that in 40 or 45 minutes. Nobody on those roads at that hour of the night.

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No idea bud, i can’t remember.
I bumped into him once or twice. First time one Sunday morning at the market in Schull. I was buying cheese at the stall next to his. I stared at him as I recognised him but didn’t know why. He gave me a glare like a man capable of beating a mattress outside on a Stephens’ night. Chilling.

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Where exactly was Bailey’s house?

Lisscaha North I think


Google Maps reminding you that you are starting and finishing in Cark there, tis almost like they are prepping you mentally that you will be in Cark.