The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The Heavy gang would have this case closed in a few days, a few corners might have been cut but its way it goes

The DPP report, or the bit of it I waded through before getting bored reads like it was written by Frank Buttimer.


In 96?

I was at my Auntie’s house in Raheny for an extended family meet up the night of Sunday December 22nd, 1996. Watched the first half of Aston Villa v Wimbledon (Villa scored a load of early goals and won about 5-0) and then got the bus and the Dart out to Raheny with me oul’ fella.

However I did notice the very young Brian Fenton stalking me on the way off the Dart and felt scared.


Give it another week and fellas will be naming the guard who the locals think it is…

Being in Cork is motive enough for a murder

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Outsiders only in that category
Simpletons from (some limerick ), Laois , Waterford etc

Very interesting thread.


Very interesting indeed. How useless were the Gardai?

I’d have little doubt there was fellas dealing with stuff they shouldn’t have been and it was a Case of out their depth and incompetence rather than anything sinister. There was definitely clear cases of the guards doing Bailey in and ignoring evidence as well.

The clothes being burnt was rubbish, Bailey arriving at the scene early was nonsense and the scratches were nonsense.

Also the time of death is very interesting. How did they happen on a late night estimate as opposed to an early morning one?

What makes you say the cuts are nonsense?

The guards drew a picture of them and didn’t take photos of them.

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The missing gate again could have had key evidence but it went missing. I wonder why? Somebody new the dna on the gate wouldn’t match Baileys.

Bailey himself didn’t deny they were there ?

Gemma off

Gemma back on


They didn’t have a camera in the station.

I’d say most likely Sophie entertained whoever was that evening. Possibly some sort of fling. She finished up with him and he left. The two wine glasses being a pointer to this.

There was a phone call of reconciliation between her and Daniel late that evening too.

A breakfast type food was found in the post Mortem indicating the murder could have taken place early in the morning. Not late at night as is assumed by most.

My theory is it’s Possible whoever she had finished up with came back drunk and angry and killed her. It wasn’t a random assault it was a murder of passion. Even where she was found she was running away from the neighbours with hiking boots on. It’s possibly she was already outside early that morning when the killer turned up.

But yet they had cameras to taken dozens of photos in side the house where they had moved various things around which they aren’t meant to do of course.

Very convenient they didn’t have a camera
When they interviewed Bailey of course.

“Scatches” according the documentary

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Yes it’s all one big conspiracy alright raylan.

The bottle of wine being a key piece of evidence of course given there was two glasses of wine found in the kitchen.