The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Maybe it’s Ian Bailey from the grave but there must be a dozens of what appears to be bot accounts laying the blame at a guarda in cork city who was violent and had drink problems. They are replying to any number of articles shared in the last couple of days.

Yes, I wouldnt rule out Ian Bailey creating twitter accounts from the grave.

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Really interesting.

It’s actually astonishing the role the media has played in convincing the public Bailey is guilty. As bad the incompetent guards.

Do you reckon the professional brought concrete block from France in the suitcase buried with his underpants and socks or just travelled in hope of finding something near her house ?

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I don’t really buy that theory it was a hit man but I don’t dismiss the theory on the basis of the way she was murdered. A professional hitman could potentially make it look like a murder of passion.

If she was shot into the head it wouldn’t really be hard to solve now would it?

My own belief is it was somebody having an affair with Sophie or some sort of love interest. They were in the house that night and she ended it. There was a phone call of reconciliation with her husband that evening where they agreed to meet up post Christmas.

Whoever the previous interest came back drunk and angry and killed her.

Most likely a person in a position of power. It seems reading between the lines this individual is well known too in west cork.

Reading between Gemma O’Doherty’s lines, is it?


Watch the replies under every article posted on twitter the past week.

I’ve actually contacted Sam bugney myself to see
If he had any thing concrete on Martin o sullivans claims.

Even the Garda missing person bureau could easily find a concrete block in west cork

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Do you think he done it art?

probably not. everyone else is relying on hearsay and conjecture

Crime of passion or crime of jealousy?

Sure it could well be a mixture of both.

Male or female?

That was definitely one of the theories early on alright

So the suspect is an old romantic with rage/alcohol issues and possibly a history of beating women he was close to?


he was romantically involved with Sophie would be my believe.

From my limited understanding of the case there is only one person putting themselves in the vicinity of the house on the night of the murder.
That person wouldn’t give up the name of the person they were out to meet that night.
I don’t know if they ever gave up the name.
But this person was the one that implicated Bailey in it by saying they saw him on the road the night in question.

Munching carpets in deepest west Cork :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: