The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Not very. Generally the only wine available was ā€œJacobā€™s Creekā€


Was it legal for the guards to tell Jules that bailey had admitted it in an official interview even though he hadnā€™t?

Blue Nun if you wanted white


Donā€™t forget the delightful black tower liebfraumilch


Pure and utter rubbish again.

Eddie Cassidy never said victim was French to Bailey nor that shed been murdered. Bailey put 2 and 2 together and came up with a gazillion.

Apologies meant for the other fella


Thatā€™s key for me. No alibi.


He did and it was verified by editor of the tribune I believe possibly another paper.

He had talked to him the previous day and mentioned he hadnā€™t started the article but it was submitted early the morning of the murder.

He was some man to trek in the dark for two hours drunk. Commit a brutal murder and clear up all the evidence and then go back and stick together a newspaper article.

Not sure you get how alibis work?


I still donā€™t see the clear evidence she was killed in the window from 1am to 3 am which many assume.

There was evidence of a digested breakfast in her stomach and of course that Would completely exonerate Bailey as the phone records show he was working from 9 am.

The only link I see is Marie Farrell claimed she saw
Him at bridge at 2 am.

Iā€™d appreciate to learn why people are so sure it was 1-3 am.

Maybe she liked a bowl of Corn Flakes before bed

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More rubbish. More ā€œI believeā€ ā€œPossiblyā€. More bullshit. You need to start fact checking your own statements. He didnt submit the article until sometime between 4 - 5 on the Monday. It was due at 12. Almost ties in perfectly with those unaccounted lost hours earlier in the Monday doesnt it. I suppose weā€™ll find the 2 journalists who both corroborare this, McEnaney and Richard Curran to be in on this plot against Bailey too.

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@johnnysachs can I get your rebuttal please?

See above statement a few posts up from Eddie Cassidy which is a few posts back.

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Youā€™ve been absolutely dismantled
On this case you resorted to crazy people talking about body language and nonsensical reports from France that were made up.

You havenā€™t come up with one coherent point that indicates Bailey did it while ignoring all the evidence he didnā€™t do it.

Iā€™d ask the plaintiff to hold themselves to the same standards they requested of the defendant please.

Carry on

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This isnā€™t any actual evidence of Bailey committing the crime only evidence the guards and the media desperately wanted everyone to think it was Bailey.

One of the neighbours gave an interesting insight into the time after the murder where everyone closed their doors and pointed the finger at each other.

The guards then went around telling them it was the local English man who did it.

Iā€™m sure everyone was delighted to go with the theory. To feel safe and the fact he was deeply unpopular.

In your own head pal. You have been outted as a total Walter Mitty. I have pointed out your made up lies about when Harbison got to the crime scene, that you heard it on a West Cork podcast, that he submitted an article before 12pm deadline, Baileys arrival at the scene and many others. You know as little about this as any other subject matter on this forum and you are way out of your depth. You also show a worrying propensity to back domestic abusers whether they be Man United players or alleged murderers.


Both Bailey and Sophie kept detailed diaries. Sophie had a diary with all her numbers and also detailed regularly in her diary meetings and phone calls she had with people.

There was no mention of contact with Bailey at all in her diaries and from the accounts they were very detailed. She didnā€™t have his number either.

There was no mention of Sophie either in Baileys diary.

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