The Ian Bailey is dead thread

And there you have it you’ve absolutely cracked now desperately trying to make it personal because conclusively destroyed your hearsay post.

“Her friend said she met ian Bailey 18 years later so it must be true”

“But the body language expert says he’s guilty”

Jog on.

We saw a continuation of this on prime time tonight. It’s disgraceful.

At least they could narrow it to just the west bit

I’ve eviscersted you and shown again what the whole forum have come to know you for - a compulsive liar. In a shutter island kind of way I have kind of played along with it but I dont think you are worth too much more of my time.

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Imagine if the sneaky bugger had the article done already and purposely mentioned to the editor that he hadn’t in order to create an alibi of sorts when hey presto he produces it the next morning :flushed:


He never struck me as that type but in fairness pre the murder he seemed a bit more together but post murder whether you think he done it or whether he mentally collapsed after everyone falsely accused Him he descended into a fumbling mess that was a complete joke of an individual.

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And all the circumstantial evidence thrown at Bailey wasn’t it a bit odd Daniel didn’t travel over to Ireland with family when he found she was murdered? I believe the family were upset over this.

They had planned to spend new years together I think. I was just looking there he remarried in 98.

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Yes I commended you on being a good judge of horses. A different matter entirely. No one stands still. I wish you every luck in that regard in the future and whatever other ventures you pursue. I’m not sure if its boredom or frustration but you have gone down some rabbit holes. Your postings on Man Utd seem disingenuous. Your posts here dishonest. There are myraids of other examples over the past while. I dont like to see a thread derailed or the waters muddied with so many inaccuracies and falsehoods especially at a time when many posters are taking an interest in the case for the first time.

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You’ve made an absolute cunt of yourself again tonight the same as you did the night tipp scraped a draw against Limerick back in may.

Good night pal. Sleep well. Dont take the Internet too seriously. We have offline more tangible and real personas too.

Just listened to Episode 5 of the West Cork podcast there, an episode which heavily features Bailey himself. I had to almost cover my ears listening to him speak, it was David Brent-esque. I can see why people are obsessed with the case. It really is like peak Columbo, except with Con Houlihan playing Columbo, and no villain being caught at the end of it. Bailey also reminds me of that Irish-American poet Joe Devlin, who is my favourite Columbo villain. If this was a Cracker storyline, Bailey would turn out to be innocent, but it isn’t Cracker.

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Is there any prominent posters to this thread (and mainly this thread) who haven’t ppsted since Ians passing? I mean he was a very strange and opinionated character, would have fit in on tfk perfectly


@Rocko ?



Has anybody listened to this series? Is it any use?


Bailey was an easy scapegoat, West Cork is a very backward place and it suited the guards to cast him as the despicable British hun type character