The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Itā€™s hard not to take something things personally when you accused of defending somebody who was guilty of domestically abusing somebody you horrendous little cunt.

Something of course I never did.

He was knocking arpund cark a lot

Thatā€™s about it. One of the neighbours alluded to the fact post the murder everyone closed doors in area and accused each other. Then the guards went door to door basically telling everyone it was Ian Bailey and itā€™s possible he could murder again and thatā€™s thereā€™s all these Tall tails came about.

Everyone was delighted to blame Ian Bailey.

There isnā€™t one single bit of concrete evidence to connect Bailey to the crime. The circumstantial evidence is easily torn to shreds.

Itā€™s a massive miscarriage of justice.

I hadnā€™t posted since Sunday and I am from England. I can confirm though, that I am not Ian Bailey.


Do you think he did it chairman Dan?

Iā€™ve never read enough into it to form a proper view on it. Bailey was a very odd and unsavoury character. Things like the hands cut from the Christmas trees and the turkeys are odd. On balance, my hunch is he didnā€™t do it. Itā€™s more of a hunch though than an informed opinion. The Gardai made an utter balls of it.

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Interesting too Sophieā€™s uncle claims somebody locally protected Bailey. outside of his wife I donā€™t see anybody really protecting him but surely heā€™d have just said it was her because theyā€™ve been fairly liberal in their claims.

There was a chap posting who reckoned Bailey did it and was very clever. He didnā€™t last long though.

Has he set up any new Twitter accounts?

Maybe others will have a differs perspective but I recall being a kid in the early mid 90s and there were a couple of different likely lads knocking around the village who were born and reared in London to locals who had emigrated in the 60s/70s. They moved back when in their 20s, but were somewhat harmless looking back but rough around the edges - despite the local links you could tell that there was an undercurrent and distrust of naked prejudice to both of these fellas that even a 10 year old could pick up.

So I could only imagine what kind of scepticism a fella like Bailey with his over the top manner, narcissistic tendencies and arseholery in the back arse of Cork - of course the locals closed ranks

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Go easy, Ian

Donā€™t forget the guards went door to door telling people it was Bailey to add to the suspicion while bundling all the evidence which could have exonerated Bailey.

Has anybody any info on why they are so certain it was accepted the murder was around 2 am not later maybe around 6 or 7 am. The post mortem indicates a breakfast was eaten but maybe thatā€™s a red herring Iā€™m not sure.

Also was there outside lights on the house or a mention of torches? I find it hard to believe it was carried out in the pitch dark.

Jules Thomas was interviewed by RTE the other day. I found her quite convincing, a person who genuinely believed what she said.

But she said one thing that is so obviously wrong (while being right at the same time). She said she knew Bailey hadnā€™t done it because Bailey was the sort of person who couldnā€™t keep a secret, he was a blabber.

Bailey clearly couldnā€™t keep a secret,. Thatā€™s why he blabbed to people that he did it!


It never ceases to amaze me how so many Irish people are happy to accept grave miscarriages of justice.

Ye seem to just shrug your shoulders and accept it.

Not one person on here has ever accused the Garda investigation of being anything other than incompetent. Had it been any way competent Bailey likely would have been charged and convicted.

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On the basis of what?

Amazing the guards were so sure it was Bailey but didnā€™t even bring a camera when questioning him but took plenty of pictures of crime scene were they quite bundled the whole thing.

Even the 2 am killing which In fairness is generally accepted and maybe an oversight on my part but If it was later in the morning it sort of again puts a bit of cold water on the Bailey theory.

On the basis of securing the crime scene.

Started listening back to that podcast again
Very well made

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Sam bugneys twitter page is an interesting follow. Looks like heā€™s changed his opinion post the podcast.