The I'd lick a Tramp's ballbag for a like thread..dungeon

Yeah, I’ve held off for the moment. Reverse likebait and too transparent for me.

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I’m not sure you can lobby the forum in this manner.

Just three to go.

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It’s on 9 now mate, knock yourself out.

Fuck it, someone got there first. No way I’m giving it an 11th.

@Fagan_ODowd is stuck on 9 likes for this horribly xenophobic post about Australian wines:

Still though… the poor bastard is stuck on 9 likes and a “nice post” award would be a great start to the day for him.

tell me what thread and I will oblige

It’s on Ravenous - you should be able to link to it from my post above. That’s a lovely gesture Balbec :clap:

Done. Let’s call it my good deed for the day.


Thanks guys.

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Flatty stuck here.

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Consider it done

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That’s positively samaritish of you balbec.
Must be all that shlape you’re getting.

speak English please

The whole board to go at and you start on me.

I’m throwing the likes around like how a Fianna Fail government spends money.

I’m stuck on 9 likes on the universities, schools and colleges competitions thread for my Fitzgibbon Cup congratulations message to Mary I.

I’ve crept up to 8 likes on the anti-rugby football thread for my post about Michael Corcoran.

Whereas my video of a camogie player getting made shite of hasn’t even gotten a fucking like. Popularity contest is all this shit is.

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Where’s this now?