The Impending War Thread

Safe me bollocks -

Do you know what an eco-system is and how it works?

They are producing ‘pest’ resistant plants in the US with the offshoot that other plants/weeds are being made resistant to herbicides - they basically have to use agent orange to kill them off - That’s the route you’d have our food heading down? Not to mention the destruction of the animals and insects that live in these enviroments

You don’t fuck with your food supply and thrown toxins at it to increase profit. How about you invest in naturally grown food and stop cities sprawling out onto what’s left of the fertile land on the planet and build up.

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Wasnt it pretty much proved that Monsanto’s GM Corn gave rats liver and Kidney cancer?

You are arguing with WHO here. I am just a proxy.

Arguable we should not eat meat given the energy expended to rear it

You talk about food shortages and on other hand the western world faces an obesity crisis.

The world is fucked but then again it always has been. Imagine lads posting on here from the western front in 1915

All that said… if you were hungry you’d eat it I suppose.

We are approaching a world where a premium will be paid for good ‘clean food’ and the less well off will have to do with the cheap GM stuff.


That’s pretty much America right now


A proxy cunt.

That should solve the over population as well

Are you on your way to the organic market in kinvara at the moment?

How will @anon7035031 and @TheUlteriorMotive get rich if there are no peasants around to trod on?

There will always be peasants for us to crush under our jackboots my friend



Monsanto’s ongoing efforts to control seeds and crops is fairly disgusting.
Their products have done terrible damage to indigenous corn plants in Mexico which have been the staple of the mexican diet for generations.
But hey, there’s profit to be had and little people to control.


“The World According to Monsanto” is a good few years old now but it’s a frightening documentary.

Right wing zealots like @anon7035031, @TheUlteriorMotive and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy see the natural world in the same way they see a factory floor - they thinks it’s there for their production to be exploited for profit.


Would cost a fortune to eat completely clean but its a decent long term investment.

Organic farming is tough going regulation wise but its the way forward.

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Funny seeing tbe hippies ptefering people to starve over giving them scientifically improved food


Monsanto was in large part fuelled by the ethanol frenzy in America.

The hippie socialists reap what they sow.

Seems the only profitable sector in Irish Farming right now.

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It has always been the way. Your forefathers hunted the buffalo to extinction as they colonised the Old West.

I’ve no love for lay-about hippies either